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Categories / Delphi / Functions

Lastdelimiter - find the last position of selected characters in a string sysutils unit

function LastDelimiter ( const Delimiters, Source : string ) : Integer; Description The LastDelimiter function finds the last occurence of any of a set of Delimiter characters in a Source string. If found, the position is returned. Otherwise, 0 is returned. Notes Strings start with 1 as the first character. Related commands AnsiPos Find the position of one string in another Example code : Find the last position of 1 or more characters in a string var source, find : string; position : Integer; begin // Create a string source := '12345678901234567890'; // Find the position of the last 1 position := LastDelimiter('1', source); ShowMessage('The last 1 is at '+IntToStr(position)); // Find the position of the last 2, 4 or 6 position := LastDelimiter('246', source); ShowMessage('The last 2, 4 or 6 is at '+IntToStr(position)); end; Show full unit code The last 1 is at 11 The last 2, 4 or 6 is at 16