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Categories / Delphi / Functions

Inttostr - convert an integer into a string sysutils unit

1 function IntToStr ( Number : Integer ) : string; 2 function IntToStr ( BigNumber : Int64 ) : string; Description The IntToStr function converts an Integer Number or Int64 BigNumber into a string. It has two forms : the latter supporting very large integers. It is normally used for display purposes. Related commands FloatToStr Convert a floating point value to a string Format Rich formatting of numbers and text into a string StrToInt Convert an integer string into an Integer value Example code : Converting integers to strings var NormalInteger : Integer; BigInteger : Int64; begin NormalInteger := 2147483647; // Largest possible Integer value BigInteger := 9223372036854775807; // Largest possible Int64 value ShowMessage('NormalInteger : '+IntToStr(NormalInteger)); ShowMessage('BigInteger : '+IntToStr(BigInteger)); ShowMessage('Calculated number : '+IntToStr(27 * 4)); end; Show full unit code NormalInteger : 2147483647 BigInteger : 9223372036854775807 Calculated number : 108