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Inttohex - convert an integer into a hexadecimal string sysutils unit

function IntToHex ( DecimalValue : Integer; MinimumWidth : Integer ) : string; Description The IntToHex function converts a DecimalValue integer into a hexadecimal format sting of at least MinimumWidth characters wide. The resulting string has no prefix character. Related commands IntToStr Convert an integer into a string StrToInt Convert an integer string into an Integer value Example code : Convert an integer to a hex format begin // Display 123 decimal in hex with minimal width ShowMessage('1234 decimal = '+IntToHex(1234, 1)); // Display 123 decimal in hex with fixed width ShowMessage('1234 decimal = '+IntToHex(1234, 8)); end; Show full unit code 1234 decimal = 4D2 1234 decimal = 000004D2