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How to hook a function (in your own application)

Title: How to hook a function (in your own application) type TSaveRedir = packed record Addr: Pointer; Bytes: array[0..4] of Byte; end; PSaveRedir = ^TSaveRedir; procedure RedirectCall(FromAddr, ToAddr: Pointer; SaveRedir: PSaveRedir); var OldProtect: Cardinal; NewCode: packed record JMP: Byte; Distance: Integer; end; begin if not VirtualProtect(FromAddr, 5, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, OldProtect) then RaiseLastWin32Error; if Assigned(SaveRedir) then begin SaveRedir^.Addr := FromAddr; Move(FromAddr^, SaveRedir^.Bytes, 5); end; NewCode.JMP := $E9; NewCode.Distance := PChar(ToAddr) - PChar(FromAddr) - 5; Move(NewCode, FromAddr^, 5); if not VirtualProtect(FromAddr, 5, OldProtect, OldProtect) then RaiseLastWin32Error; end; procedure UndoRedirectCall(const SaveRedir: TSaveRedir); var OldProtect: Cardinal; begin if not VirtualProtect(SaveRedir.Addr, 5, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, OldProtect) then RaiseLastWin32Error; Move(SaveRedir.Bytes, SaveRedir.Addr^, 5); if not VirtualProtect(SaveRedir.Addr, 5, OldProtect, OldProtect) then RaiseLastWin32Error; end; // Example: Replace Application.MessageBox with your own. function MyNewMessageBox(Self: TApplication; const Text, Caption: PChar; Flags: Longint): Integer; begin ShowMessage('New Messagebox'); //.... end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin Application.MessageBox('You'll never see this Text / Diesen Text wirst du nie sehen', '...', MB_OK); end; var S: TSaveRedir; initialization RedirectCall(@TApplication.MessageBox, @MyNewMessageBox, @S); finalization UndoRedirectCall(S);