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Filesize - gives the size in records of an open file system unit

function FileSize ( var FileHandle : File; ) : Integer; Description The FileSize function gives the size in records of an open file. Before this function can be used, the file must be assigned a handle by using AssignFile and opened using Append, Reset or ReWrite routines. Notes Because text files are normally variable in length, the number of records is not so useful. Use the low level routine GetFileSize to get the size in bytes, or FindFirst, FindNext routines, which return size and last modified date values of one or more files. Related commands DiskFree Gives the number of free bytes on a specified drive DiskSize Gives the size in bytes of a specified drive Example code : Get the size in records of a typed binary file var myWord, myWord1, myWord2, myWord3 : Word; myFile : File of Word; begin // Try to open the Test.cus binary file in write only mode AssignFile(myFile, 'Test.cus'); ReWrite(myFile); // Before writing to the file, show the file size ShowMessage('File size = '+IntToStr(FileSize(myFile))); // Write a few lines of Word data to the file myWord1 := 123; myWord2 := 456; myWord3 := 789; Write(myFile, myWord1, myWord2, myWord3); // Before closing the file, show the new file size ShowMessage('File size now = '+IntToStr(FileSize(myFile))); // Close the file CloseFile(myFile); end; Show full unit code File size = 0 File size now = 3