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Filepos - gives the file position in a binary or text file system unit

1 function FilePos ( var FileHandle : File; ) : LongInt; 2 function FilePos ( car FileHandle : TextFile; ) ; Description The FilePos function returns the current position in an open file. The returned value is the Record position, starting at 0 for the file beginning. The file may be an Untyped, Typed or Text file. The record length is as follows: Untyped files : As set in Reset or ReWrite Typed files : SizeOf the file type Text files : Variable - defined by line ends Notes Seek to the given record position only works for binary files. Related commands Eoln Returns true if the current text file is pointing at a line end File Defines a typed or untyped file Seek Move the pointer in a binary file to a new record position SeekEoln Skip to the end of the current line or file TextFile Declares a file type for storing lines of text Example code : Show the file position in a binary file var myWord, myWord1, myWord2, myWord3 : Word; myFile : File of Word; begin // Try to open the Test.cus binary file in write only mode AssignFile(myFile, 'Test.cus'); ReWrite(myFile); // Write a few lines of Word data to the file myWord1 := 123; myWord2 := 456; myWord3 := 789; Write(myFile, myWord1, myWord2, myWord3); // Close the file CloseFile(myFile); // Reopen the file in read only mode FileMode := fmOpenRead; Reset(myFile); // Display the file contents while not Eof(myFile) do begin Read(myFile, myWord); // Note - FilePos shows the after read position ShowMessage('Record '+ IntToStr(FilePos(myFile))+' = '+ IntToStr(myWord)); end; // Close the file for the last time CloseFile(myFile); end; Show full unit code Record 1 = 123 Record 2 = 456 Record 3 = 789