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Filedatetodatetime - converts a file date-time format to a tdatetime value sysutils unit

function FileDateToDateTime ( const FileDate : Integer ) : TDateTime; Description The FileDateToDateTime function converts an Integer FileDate value (as obtained from FileAge for example) to a more manageable TDateTime format. There are many routines in Delphi that can work on this TDateTime format. Related commands DateTimeToFileDate Convert a TDateTime value to a File date/time format FileAge Get the last modified date/time of a file without opening it FileSetDate Set the last modified date and time of a file Example code : Convert the last modified date of a file into a TDateTime value var fileName : string; fileDate : Integer; begin // Try to open the Unit1.DCU file for the current project fileName := 'Unit1.DCU'; fileDate := FileAge(fileName); // Did we get the file age OK? if fileDate > -1 then ShowMessage(fileName+' last modified date = '+ DateToStr(FileDateToDateTime(fileDate))); end; Show full unit code Unit1.DCU last modified date = 10/11/2002