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Categories / Delphi / Functions

Bit manipulating functions

Title: Bit manipulating functions Question: Functions to work with bits Answer: Functions that will be (i guess) always needed... function IsBitSet(const val:longint; const TheBit:byte): boolean; begin Result := (val and (1 shl TheBit)) 0; end; function BitOn(const val: longint; const TheBit: byte): LongInt; begin Result := val or (1 shl TheBit); end; function BitOff(const val: longint; const TheBit: byte): LongInt; begin Result := val and ((1 shl TheBit) xor $FFFFFFFF); end; function BitToggle(const val:longint;const TheBit:byte): LongInt; begin Result := val xor (1 shl TheBit); end;