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Ansistartsstr - returns true if a string starts with a substring strutils unit

function AnsiStartsStr ( const Needle, Haystack : string ) : Boolean; Description The AnsiStartsStr function looks for a Needle string at the start of a Haystack string, returning true if it finds it. Otherwise false. It is a Case sensitive command. Related commands AnsiContainsStr Returns true if a string contains a substring AnsiEndsStr Returns true if a string ends with a substring Example code : A simple example var haystack : AnsiString; begin haystack := 'The cat sat on the mat'; // Note that AnsiStartsStr is case sensitive if AnsiStartsStr('THE cat', haystack) then ShowMessage('''THE cat'' starts the sentence') else ShowMessage('''THE cat'' does not start the sentence'); if AnsiStartsStr('The cat', haystack) then ShowMessage('''The cat'' starts the sentence') else ShowMessage('''The cat'' does not start the sentence'); end; Show full unit code 'THE cat' does not start the sentence 'The cat' starts the sentence