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Ansireplacestr - replaces a part of one string with another strutils unit

function AnsiReplaceStr ( const HayStack, Needle, NewNeedle : string ) : string; Description The AnsiReplaceStr function replaces all occurences of the Needle string in the Haystack string with a NewNeedle string. It is a Case sensitive command. Related commands Copy Create a copy of part of a string or an array Insert Insert a string into another string Move Copy bytes of data from a source to a destination StringReplace Replace one or more substrings found within a string StuffString Replaces a part of one string with another Example code : A simple example var haystack : AnsiString; begin haystack := 'The big cat sat on the big mat'; ShowMessage(haystack); // Display the haystack at the start // Note that AnsiReplaceStr is case sensitive haystack := AnsiReplaceStr(haystack, 'BIG', 'LITTLE'); ShowMessage(haystack); // Display the haystack now haystack := AnsiReplaceStr(haystack, 'big', 'little'); ShowMessage(haystack); // Display the haystack now end; Show full unit code The big cat sat on the big mat The big cat sat on the big mat The little cat sat on the little mat