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Ansilowercase - change upper case characters in a string to lower case sysutils unit

function AnsiLowerCase ( const MixedString : string ) : string; Description The AnsiLowerCase function creates a copy of MixedString with all letters converted to lower case. All Ansi commands support multi-byte and accented characters. Notes AnsiLowerCase supercedes the LowerCase function. Multi-byte character sets are operating system defined. For example, Oriental versions of Windows uses multi-byte characters to support their very large set of primitives ('letters'). Related commands AnsiUpperCase Change lower case characters in a string to upper case UpCase Convert a Char value to upper case Example code : Converting a mixed case string to lower case var SimpleString : string; begin SimpleString := AnsiLowerCase('The Cat Sat On The MAT'); ShowMessage('SimpleString : '+SimpleString); end; Show full unit code SimpleString : the cat sat on the mat