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Addr - gives the address of a variable, function or procedure system unit

1 function Addr ( Variable name ) : Pointer; 2 function Addr ( Function name ) : Pointer; 3 function Addr ( Procedure name ) : Pointer; Description The Addr function returns the address of a Variable, Function or Procedure. It is similar to the @ operator, but is not constrained by the $TypedAddress compiler directive - it always returns an untyped Pointer. You can cast this to a typed pointer, as in the example. Related commands Pointer Defines a general use Pointer to any memory based data Example code : Using the address of a string to display the string var myString : string; ptrString : PString; begin // Set up variable values myString := 'Hello there'; ptrString := Addr(myString); ShowMessage('myString : '+ptrString^); end; Show full unit code myString : Hello there