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Categories / Delphi / Forms

Transparent Form Component

Title: Transparent Form Component Question: Making A Controllable Transparent Form, Or Transparencies For A Certain Colour Or Both, Great For Shaped Forms. Answer: (* CopyRight 2004, C. Lormand *) Unit SpectralTransForm; Interface uses Messages, Windows, SysUtils, Classes, Controls, Forms, Menus, Graphics, StdCtrls; Type TSpectralFadeForm = Class(TComponent) Private FWindowHandle: HWND; FLevel: Integer; FFormFade: Boolean; FColourFade: Boolean; FColour: TColor; Procedure TransparentWind; Procedure SetFormFade(bValue : Boolean); Procedure SetColourFade(bValue : Boolean); Procedure SetTransColour(cValue: TColor); Procedure SetTransForm(Value: Integer); Function LoadSDK: Boolean; Function UnLoadSDK: Boolean; Public Constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; Destructor Destroy; override; Published Property Level : Integer Read FLevel Write SetTransForm Default 0; Property FormFade : Boolean Read FFormFade Write SetFormFade Default False; Property ColourFade : Boolean Read FColourFade Write SetColourFade Default False; Property FadeColour : TColor Read FColour Write SetTransColour; End; Procedure Register; Implementation Var LayerFunc: Function(Handle: HWND; crKey: DWord; bAlpha: Byte; dwFlags: DWORD): Bool; stdcall; hDLL: HWND; {$R *.DCR} // CONSTANTS FOR WINSDK Const WS_EX_LAYERED = $00080000; LWA_COLORKEY = $00000001; LWA_ALPHA = $00000002; ULW_COLORKEY = $00000001; ULW_ALPHA = $00000002; ULW_OPAQUE = $00000004; Function Compatible: Boolean; Var OSVer: TOSVersionInfo; Begin Result := False; Try OSVer.dwOSVersionInfoSize := SizeOf(TOSVersionInfo); GetVersionEx(OSVer); If (OSVer.dwPlatformID = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT) Then If (OSVer.dwMajorVersion = 5) Then Result := True; Except Result := False; End; End; Constructor TSpectralFadeForm.Create(AOwner: TComponent); Begin Inherited Create(AOwner); FWindowHandle := (AOwner AS TForm).Handle; LoadSDK; End; Destructor TSpectralFadeForm.Destroy; begin SetFormFade(False); SetColourFade(False); TransparentWind; UnLoadSDK; Inherited Destroy; end; Procedure TSpectralFadeForm.SetTransForm(Value: Integer); Begin FLevel := Value; TransparentWind; End; Procedure TSpectralFadeForm.SetTransColour(cValue: TColor); Begin FColour := cValue; TransparentWind; End; Procedure TSpectralFadeForm.SetFormFade(bValue: Boolean); Begin FFormFade := bValue; TransparentWind; End; Procedure TSpectralFadeForm.SetColourFade(bValue: Boolean); Begin FColourFade := bValue; TransparentWind; End; Function TSpectralFadeForm.LoadSDK: Boolean; Begin If (Compatible) Then Begin Try hDLL := LoadLibrary('user32.dll'); If (hDLL 0) Then @LayerFunc := GetProcAddress(hDLL, 'SetLayeredWindowAttributes'); Result := true; Except Result := false; End; End Else Result := false; End; Function TSpectralFadeForm.UnLoadSDK: Boolean; Begin If (Compatible) Then Begin Try @LayerFunc := NIL; FreeLibrary(hDLL); Result := true; Except Result := false; End; End Else Result := False; End; Procedure TSpectralFadeForm.TransparentWind; Begin If (Compatible) Then Begin If ((FFormFade) Or (FColourFade)) Then Begin // turn it on Try If (Level Else If (Level 255) Then Level := 255; // anything higher is blank SetWindowLong(FWindowHandle, GWL_EXSTYLE, GetWindowLong(FWindowHandle, GWL_EXSTYLE) or WS_EX_LAYERED); If ((FColourFade) And (Not FFormFade)) Then LayerFunc(FWindowHandle, RGB((FColour and $ff), ((FColour and $ff00) shr 8),((FColour and $ff0000) shr 16)), dWord(Level), LWA_COLORKEY); If ((Not FColourFade) And (FFormFade)) Then LayerFunc(FWindowHandle, RGB(0,0,0), dWord(Level), LWA_ALPHA); If ((FColourFade) And (FFormFade)) Then LayerFunc(FWindowHandle, RGB((FColour and $ff), ((FColour and $ff00) shr 8),((FColour and $ff0000) shr 16)), dWord(Level), LWA_ALPHA OR LWA_COLORKEY); Except End; End Else Begin // turn it off Try SetWindowLong(FWindowHandle, GWL_EXSTYLE, GetWindowLong(FWindowHandle, GWL_EXSTYLE) And (NOT WS_EX_LAYERED)); Except End; End; End Else End; Procedure Register; Begin RegisterComponents('Spectral Transparent Components', [TSpectralFadeForm]); End; End.