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Categories / Delphi / Forms

Return information about the current system

Title: return information about the current system? { The SYSTEM_INFO structure contains information about the current computer system. This includes the architecture and type of the processor, the number of processors in the system, the page size, and other such information. } procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var SysInfo: TSystemInfo; begin GetSystemInfo(SysInfo); with ListBox1.Items, SysInfo do begin Add('ProcessorArchitecture:' + IntToStr(wProcessorArchitecture)); Add(FloatToStr(dwPageSize) + ' Kb page size'); Add(Format('Lowest memory address accessible to applications and DLL - %p', [lpMinimumApplicationAddress])); Add(Format('Highest memory address accessible to applications and DLL - %p', [lpMaximumApplicationAddress])); Add('OEMID:' + IntToStr(dwOemId)); Add('ActiveProcessorMask:' + IntToStr(dwActiveProcessorMask)); Add(IntToStr(dwNumberOfProcessors) + ' - number of processors'); Add('ProcessorType:' + IntToStr(dwProcessorType)); case wProcessorLevel of 3: Add('Intel 80386 processor level'); 4: Add('Intel 80486 processor level'); 5: Add('Intel Pentium processor level'); end; Add(FloatToStr(dwAllocationGranularity / 1024) + ' Kb - granularity with which virtual memory is allocated'); Add('ProcessorRevision:' + IntToStr(wProcessorRevision)); end; end;