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Categories / Delphi / Forms

Limit a forms movement to the workarea

Title: limit a forms movement to the workarea? // For some reason messages.pas declares no message record for this message type TWmMoving = record Msg: Cardinal; fwSide: Cardinal; lpRect: PRect; Result: Integer; end; // Add a handler to your forms private section: procedure WMMoving(var msg: TWMMoving); message WM_MOVING; // Implement it as procedure TFormX.WMMoving(var msg: TWMMoving); var r: TRect; begin r := Screen.WorkareaRect; // compare the new form bounds in msg.lpRect^ with r and modify it if // necessary if msg.lprect^.left then OffsetRect(msg.lprect^, r.left - msg.lprect^.left, 0); if msg.lprect^.top then OffsetRect(msg.lprect^, 0, - msg.lprect^.top); if msg.lprect^.right r.right then OffsetRect(msg.lprect^, r.right - msg.lprect^.right, 0); if msg.lprect^.bottom r.bottom then OffsetRect(msg.lprect^, 0, r.bottom - msg.lprect^.bottom); inherited; end;