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How to use an alternative for TOpenDialogTSaveDialog

Title: How to use an alternative for TOpenDialog/TSaveDialog uses Windows; function OpenSaveFileDialog(ParentHandle: THandle; const DefExt, Filter, InitialDir, Title: string; var FileName: string; IsOpenDialog: Boolean): Boolean; implementation uses ShlObj, SysUtils; type POpenFilenameA = ^TOpenFilenameA; POpenFilename = POpenFilenameA; tagOFNA = packed record lStructSize: DWORD; hWndOwner: HWND; hInstance: HINST; lpstrFilter: PAnsiChar; lpstrCustomFilter: PAnsiChar; nMaxCustFilter: DWORD; nFilterIndex: DWORD; lpstrFile: PAnsiChar; nMaxFile: DWORD; lpstrFileTitle: PAnsiChar; nMaxFileTitle: DWORD; lpstrInitialDir: PAnsiChar; lpstrTitle: PAnsiChar; Flags: DWORD; nFileOffset: Word; nFileExtension: Word; lpstrDefExt: PAnsiChar; lCustData: LPARAM; lpfnHook: function(Wnd: HWND; Msg: UINT; wParam: WPARAM; lParam: LPARAM): UINT stdcall; lpTemplateName: PAnsiChar; end; TOpenFilenameA = tagOFNA; TOpenFilename = TOpenFilenameA; function GetOpenFileName(var OpenFile: TOpenFilename): Bool; stdcall; external 'comdlg32.dll' name 'GetOpenFileNameA'; function GetSaveFileName(var OpenFile: TOpenFilename): Bool; stdcall; external 'comdlg32.dll' name 'GetSaveFileNameA'; const OFN_DONTADDTORECENT = $02000000; OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST = $00001000; OFN_HIDEREADONLY = $00000004; OFN_PATHMUSTEXIST = $00000800; function CharReplace(const Source: string; oldChar, newChar: Char): string; var i: Integer; begin Result := Source; for i := 1 to Length(Result) do if Result[i] = oldChar then Result[i] := newChar end; function OpenSaveFileDialog(ParentHandle: THandle; const DefExt, Filter, InitialDir, Title: string; var FileName: string; IsOpenDialog: Boolean): Boolean; var ofn: TOpenFileName; szFile: array[0..MAX_PATH] of Char; begin Result := False; FillChar(ofn, SizeOf(TOpenFileName), 0); with ofn do begin lStructSize := SizeOf(TOpenFileName); hwndOwner := ParentHandle; lpstrFile := szFile; nMaxFile := SizeOf(szFile); if (Title '') then lpstrTitle := PChar(Title); if (InitialDir '') then lpstrInitialDir := PChar(InitialDir); StrPCopy(lpstrFile, FileName); lpstrFilter := PChar(CharReplace(Filter, '|', #0)+#0#0); if DefExt '' then lpstrDefExt := PChar(DefExt); end; if IsOpenDialog then begin if GetOpenFileName(ofn) then begin Result := True; FileName := StrPas(szFile); end; end else begin if GetSaveFileName(ofn) then begin Result := True; FileName := StrPas(szFile); end; end end;