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How to submit a Form in TWebbrowser with an image submit button

Title: How to submit a Form in TWebbrowser with an image submit button uses MSHTML; var iDoc: IHtmlDocument2; i: integer; ov: OleVariant; iDisp: IDispatch; iColl: IHTMLElementCollection; InputImage: HTMLInputImage; begin WebBrowser1.ControlInterface.Document.QueryInterface(IHtmlDocument2, iDoc); if not Assigned(iDoc) then begin Exit; end; ov := 'INPUT'; iDisp := iDoc.all.tags(ov); if Assigned(IDisp) then begin IDisp.QueryInterface(IHTMLElementCollection, iColl); if Assigned(iColl) then begin for i := 1 to iColl.Get_length do begin iDisp := iColl.item(pred(i), 0); iDisp.QueryInterface(HTMLInputImage, InputImage); if Assigned(InputImage) then begin if InputImage.Name = 'submit' then // if the name is submit begin InputImage.Click; // click it end; end; end; end; end; end; // 2. procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var i: Word; Document: IHtmlDocument2; str: string; begin for i := 0 to WebBrowser1.OleObject.Document.Images.Length - 1 do begin Document := WebBrowser1.Document as IHtmlDocument2; Str := (Document.Images.Item(i, 0) as IHTMLImgElement).Href; if Pos('submit_icon.gif', str) 0 then begin ((Document.Images.Item(i, 0) as IHTMLImgElement) as IHTMLElement).Click; end; end; end;