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Categories / Delphi / Forms

How to launch programmatically the Create Shortcut dialog

Title: How to launch programmatically the Create Shortcut dialog uses registry, shellapi; function Launch_CreateShortCut_Dialog(Directory: string): Boolean; var reg: TRegistry; cmd: string; begin Result := False; reg := TRegistry.Create; try reg.Rootkey := HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT; if reg.OpenKeyReadOnly('.LNK\ShellNew') then begin cmd := reg.ReadString('Command'); cmd := StringReplace(cmd, '%1', Directory, []); Result := True; WinExec(PChar(cmd), SW_SHOWNORMAL); end finally reg.Free; end; end; {Example/ Beispiel} procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin Launch_CreateShortCut_Dialog('c:\temp'); end;