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How to get italian fiscal code for society informations

Title: How to get italian fiscal code for society informations Question: In Italy, every society has a numeric fiscal code called "Partita I.V.A." (Imposta sul Valore Aggiunto), that is released only for some cities. Here's the way how to get the serial number, the city of release and if the code is valido or not. Answer: Function PartitaIVA( Num : String; Var Progressive : Integer; Var Provincia : String ) : Boolean; Const Provincie : Array[ 0..102 ] Of String = ( 'Torino', 'Vercelli', 'Novara', 'Cuneo', 'Asti', 'Alessandria', 'Aosta', 'Imperia', 'Savona', 'Genova', 'La Spezia', 'Varese', 'Como', 'Sondrio', 'Milano', 'Bergamo', 'Brescia', 'Pavia', 'Cremona', 'Mantova', 'Bolzano-Bozen', 'Trento', 'Verona', 'Vicenza', 'Belluno', 'Treviso', 'Venezia', 'Padova', 'Rovigo', 'Udine', 'Gorizia', 'Trieste', 'Piacenza', 'Parma', 'Reggio nell''Emilia', 'Modena', 'Bologna', 'Ferrara', 'Ravenna', 'Forli''-Cesena', 'Pesaro e Urbino', 'Ancona', 'Macerata', 'Ascoli Piceno', 'Massa-Carrara', 'Lucca', 'Pistoia', 'Firenze', 'Livorno', 'Pisa', 'Arezzo', 'Siena', 'Grosseto', 'Perugia', 'Terni', 'Viterbo', 'Rieti', 'Roma', 'Latina', 'Frosinone', 'Caserta', 'Benevento', 'Napoli', 'Avellino', 'Salerno', 'L''Aquila', 'Teramo', 'Pescara', 'Chieti', 'Campobasso', 'Foggia', 'Bari', 'Taranto', 'Brindisi', 'Lecce', 'Potenza', 'Matera', 'Cosenza', 'Catanzaro', 'Reggio di Calabria', 'Trapani', 'Palermo', 'Messina', 'Agrigento', 'Caltanissetta', 'Enna', 'Catania', 'Ragusa', 'Siracusa', 'Sassari', 'Nuoro', 'Cagliari', 'Pordenone', 'Isernia', 'Oristano', 'Biella', 'Lecco', 'Lodi', 'Rimini', 'Prato', 'Crotone', 'Vibo Valentia', 'Verbano-Cusio-Ossola' ); Function ReduceSum( N : Integer ) : Integer; Var IdX : Integer; tmpStr : String; Begin tmpStr := IntToStr( N ); If ( Length( tmpStr ) Result := N; Exit; End; Result := 0; For IdX := 1 To Length( tmpStr ) Do Result := Result + StrToInt( tmpStr[ IdX ] ); End; Function ReduceNum( N : Integer ) : Integer; Begin If ( Length( IntToStr( N ) ) Result := N Else Result := StrToInt( IntToStr( N )[ Length( IntToStr( N ) ) ] ) End; Var IdX : Integer; SumD : Integer; SumP : Integer; Sum : Integer; Check : Integer; Begin If ( Length( Num ) 11 ) Then Begin Result := False; Provincia := '11 numeric-characters needed!'; Exit; End; For IdX := 1 To 11 Do If ( Not( Num[ IdX ] In [ '0'..'9' ] ) ) Then Begin Result := False; Provincia := '"' + Num[ IdX ] + '" is not a numeric value!'; Exit; End; // Returns the town. IdX := StrToInt( Num[ 8 ] + Num[ 9 ] + Num[ 10 ] ) - 1; If ( ( IdX = 0 ) And ( IdX // Returns the progressive number. Progressive := StrToInt( Copy( Num, 1, 7 ) ); // Calculates if is valid. SumD := 0; For IdX := 1 To 10 Do If ( ( IdX Mod 2 ) = 1 ) Then Inc( SumD, StrToInt( Num[ IdX ] ) ); SumP := 0; For IdX := 1 To 10 Do If ( ( IdX Mod 2 ) = 0 ) Then Inc( SumP, ReduceSum( StrToInt( Num[ IdX ] ) * 2 ) ); ReduceSum( SumP ); Sum := SumD + SumP; Check := 10 - ReduceNum( Sum ); Result := ( Check = StrToInt( Num[ 11 ] ) ); End;