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How to copy formated Rtf Text from one TRichedit to an other

Title: How to copy formated Rtf-Text from one TRichedit to an other uses RichEdit; type TEditStreamCallBack = function(dwCookie: Longint; pbBuff: PByte; cb: Longint; var pcb: Longint): DWORD; stdcall; TEditStream = record dwCookie: Longint; dwError: Longint; pfnCallback: TEditStreamCallBack; end; const EditStreamCookieDoOut = 0; EditStreamCookieDoIn = 1; var EditStreamCallBackData: PChar; EditStreamCallBackPos: Longint; function EditStreamCallBack(dwCookie: Longint; pbBuff: PByte; cb: Longint; var pcb: Longint): DWORD; stdcall; var Size: Integer; Data: PChar; begin case dwCookie of EditStreamCookieDoOut: begin if EditStreamCallBackData = nil then begin Data := GetMemory(cb); if Data nil then try CopyMemory(Data, pbBuff, cb); EditStreamCallBackData := Data; EditStreamCallBackPos := cb; pcb := cb; Result := ERROR_SUCCESS; except Result := ERROR_CANNOT_COPY; end else begin Result := ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; end; end else begin Data := GetMemory(EditStreamCallBackPos + cb); if Data nil then try CopyMemory(Data, EditStreamCallBackData, EditStreamCallBackPos); CopyMemory(@Data[EditStreamCallBackPos], pbBuff, cb); FreeMemory(EditStreamCallBackData); EditStreamCallBackData := Data; EditStreamCallBackPos := EditStreamCallBackPos + cb; pcb := cb; Result := ERROR_SUCCESS; except Result := ERROR_CANNOT_COPY; end else begin Result := ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; end; end; end; EditStreamCookieDoIn: begin if EditStreamCallBackData nil then begin Size := lstrlen(EditStreamCallBackData) + 1 - EditStreamCallBackPos; if Size 0 then begin if cb then pcb := cb else pcb := Size; try CopyMemory(pbBuff, @EditStreamCallBackData[EditStreamCallBackPos], pcb); EditStreamCallBackPos := EditStreamCallBackPos + pcb; Result := ERROR_SUCCESS; except Result := ERROR_CANNOT_COPY; end; end else begin Result := ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; end; end else begin Result := ERROR_NO_DATA; end; end; else Result := ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; end; end; {} function StreamOutRtf(const RichEdit: HWND; out Stream: PChar): Cardinal; var EditStream: TEditStream; begin if (RichEdit 0) and IsWindow(RichEdit) then begin if (EditStreamCallBackData = nil) then try EditStream.dwCookie := EditStreamCookieDoOut; EditStream.dwError := ERROR_NO_DATA; EditStream.pfnCallback := EditStreamCallBack; SendMessage(RichEdit, EM_STREAMOUT, SF_RTF, lParam(@EditStream)); Result := EditStream.dwError; RaiseLastWin32Error; if Result ERROR_SUCCESS then begin if EditStreamCallBackData nil then FreeMemory(EditStreamCallBackData); end else begin Stream := GetMemory(EditStreamCallBackPos + 1); if Stream nil then try ZeroMemory(Stream, EditStreamCallBackPos + 1); CopyMemory(Stream, EditStreamCallBackData, EditStreamCallBackPos); except FreeMemory(Stream); Stream := nil; Result := ERROR_CANNOT_COPY; end else begin Result := ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; end; if Result ERROR_SUCCESS then FreeMemory(EditStreamCallBackData); end; finally EditStreamCallBackData := nil; EditStreamCallBackPos := 0; end else begin Result := ERROR_NOT_READY; end; end else begin Result := ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; end; end; function StreamInRtf(const RichEdit: HWND; const Stream: PChar): Cardinal; var EditStream: TEditStream; begin if (RichEdit 0) and IsWindow(RichEdit) and (Stream nil) then begin if (EditStreamCallBackData = nil) then try EditStreamCallBackData := Stream; EditStreamCallBackPos := 0; EditStream.dwCookie := EditStreamCookieDoIn; EditStream.dwError := ERROR_NO_DATA; EditStream.pfnCallback := EditStreamCallBack; SendMessage(RichEdit, EM_STREAMIN, SF_RTF, lParam(@EditStream)); Result := EditStream.dwError; finally EditStreamCallBackData := nil; EditStreamCallBackPos := 0; end else begin Result := ERROR_NOT_READY; end; end else begin Result := ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; end; end; {----------------------------------------------------------} // Example: procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var Data: PChar; P: TPoint; begin if StreamOutRtf(RichEdit1.Handle, Data) = ERROR_SUCCESS then try if StreamInRtf(RichEdit2.Handle, Data) = ERROR_SUCCESS then begin MessageBox(0, 'RTF Stream copied/ RTF-Stream kopiert.', 'ok', MB_ICONINFORMATION); end else begin MessageBox(0, 'Error while Reading the Target Source'+ '/Fehler beim Schreiben des Ziels!', nil, 0); end; finally FreeMemory(Data); end else begin MessageBox(0, 'Error while writing to Source'+ '/Fehler beim Einlesen der Quelle!', nil, 0); end; end;