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How to Clone a Delphi Form

Title: How to Clone a Delphi Form Creating Delphi objects (forms, components, etc) dynamically, at run-time, is a "standard" coding technique for Delphi developers. Almost every Form that you want to show modally will be created dynamically, displayed to the user and freed from the memory. Besides instantiating Delphi Forms dynamically, you can decide to create a *clone* of an existing form - by using the TMemoryStream class. Note: when you create a new clone from an existing form, the clone's OnCreate will not execute. Here's how: procedure FormClone(form : TForm) ; var ms : TMemoryStream; clone : TForm; begin ms := TMemoryStream.Create; try ms.WriteComponent(form) ; ms.Position := 0; clone := TFormClass(form.ClassType).CreateNew(Application) ; ms.ReadComponent(clone) ; clone.Left := form.Left + 10; clone.Top := form.Top + 10; clone.Show; finally ms.Free; end; end; //Usage procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject) ; begin FormClone(Form1) ; end;