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How to add menu items to the forms system menu

Title: How to add menu items to the form's system menu Question: To add system menu items to your form's system menu you would do a lot of code, intercept a system message and other boring tasks. With this component you can learn how to do this and, most of all, use it, because it's ready for use, and it's free with source. Answer: See how! Use it! Attached is an example. unit cSysM32; interface uses WinTypes, WinProcs, Messages, Classes, Forms, graphics, Dialogs; const Checks: array[Boolean] of LongInt = (MF_UNCHECKED, MF_CHECKED); type TClickEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject) of object; TSysMenuCommand = class(TComponent) private FSysMenuHandle: HMENU; FOwnerFormHandle: HWND; FCommand: Word; FCaption: string; FBitmapChecked : TBitmap; FBitmapUnchecked: TBitmap; FChecked: Boolean; FWantSeparator: Boolean; FAutoToggle: Boolean; FOnClick: TClickEvent; procedure SetCaption(S: string); procedure SetChecked(Value: Boolean); procedure SetWantSeparator(Value: Boolean); procedure SetFBitmapChecked(B: TBitmap); procedure SetFBitmapUnchecked(B: TBitmap); function GetMenuItemPos: Integer; protected procedure Loaded; override; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; procedure SysCommand; virtual; published property Command: Word read FCommand; property Caption: string read FCaption write SetCaption; property BitmapChecked: TBitmap read FBitmapChecked write SetFBitmapChecked; property BitmapUnchecked: TBitmap read FBitmapUnchecked write SetFBitmapUnchecked; property Checked: Boolean read FChecked write SetChecked default False; property WantSeparator: Boolean read FWantSeparator write SetWantSeparator default True; property AutoToggle: Boolean read FAutoToggle write FAutoToggle default False; property OnClick: TClickEvent read FOnClick write FOnClick; end; TSysMenuCommandList = class(TComponent) protected AppOnMsg: TMessageEvent; SysMenuList: TList; procedure OnSysMessage(var Msg: TMsg; var Handled: Boolean); private function Add(Item: TSysMenuCommand): Word; procedure Remove(Item: TSysMenuCommand); function CallItem(CommandID: Word): boolean; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; end; procedure Register; var SysMenuCommandList: TSysMenuCommandList; implementation procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('Samples', [TSysMenuCommand]); end; procedure TSysMenuCommand.SetFBitmapChecked(B: TBitmap); begin FBitmapChecked.Assign(B); if FBitmapCheckednil then begin SetMenuItemBitmaps(FSysMenuHandle, GetMenuItemPos, MF_BYPOSITION, FBitmapChecked.Handle,FBitmapChecked.Handle); if FBitmapUncheckednil then SetMenuItemBitmaps(FSysMenuHandle, GetMenuItemPos, MF_BYPOSITION, FBitmapUnchecked.Handle,FBitmapChecked.Handle); end; end; procedure TSysMenuCommand.SetFBitmapUnchecked(B: TBitmap); begin FBitmapUnchecked.Assign(B); if FBitmapUncheckednil then begin SetMenuItemBitmaps(FSysMenuHandle, GetMenuItemPos, MF_BYPOSITION, FBitmapUnchecked.Handle,FBitmapUnchecked.Handle); if FBitmapCheckednil then SetMenuItemBitmaps(FSysMenuHandle, GetMenuItemPos, MF_BYPOSITION, FBitmapUnchecked.Handle,FBitmapChecked.Handle); end; end; procedure TSysMenuCommand.Loaded; begin inherited; if FBitmapCheckednil then begin SetMenuItemBitmaps(FSysMenuHandle, GetMenuItemPos, MF_BYPOSITION, FBitmapChecked.Handle,FBitmapChecked.Handle); if FBitmapUncheckednil then SetMenuItemBitmaps(FSysMenuHandle, GetMenuItemPos, MF_BYPOSITION, FBitmapUnchecked.Handle,FBitmapChecked.Handle); end; if FBitmapUncheckednil then begin SetMenuItemBitmaps(FSysMenuHandle, GetMenuItemPos, MF_BYPOSITION, FBitmapUnchecked.Handle,FBitmapUnchecked.Handle); if FBitmapCheckednil then SetMenuItemBitmaps(FSysMenuHandle, GetMenuItemPos, MF_BYPOSITION, FBitmapUnchecked.Handle,FBitmapChecked.Handle); end; end; constructor TSysMenuCommand.Create(AOwner: TComponent); {var I : Integer;} begin if not Assigned(SysMenuCommandList) then SysMenuCommandList:=TSysMenuCommandList.Create(nil); inherited Create(AOwner); FCommand:=SysMenuCommandList.Add(Self); FCaption := ''; FBitmapChecked:=TBitmap.Create; FBitmapUnchecked:=TBitmap.Create; FOwnerFormHandle := (AOwner as TForm).Handle; FSysMenuHandle := GetSystemMenu(FOwnerFormHandle, False); FWantSeparator := True; AppendMenu(FSysMenuHandle, MF_STRING, FCommand, PChar(FCaption)); end; destructor TSysMenuCommand.Destroy; begin FBitmapChecked.Free; FBitmapUnchecked.Free; DeleteMenu(FSysMenuHandle, FCommand, MF_BYCOMMAND); SysMenuCommandList.Remove(Self); inherited Destroy; end; procedure TSysMenuCommand.SetCaption(S: string); begin if S FCaption then if ModifyMenu(FSysMenuHandle, FCommand, MF_BYCOMMAND or MF_STRING or Checks[FChecked], FCommand, PChar(S)) then FCaption := S; end; procedure TSysMenuCommand.SetChecked(Value: Boolean); begin if Value FChecked then begin CheckMenuItem(FSysMenuHandle, FCommand,Checks[Value] or MF_BYCOMMAND); FChecked:=Value; end; end; function TSysMenuCommand.GetMenuItemPos: Integer; var I: Integer; begin Result := - 1; for I := 0 to (GetMenuItemCount(FSysMenuHandle) - 1) do if GetMenuItemID(FSysMenuHandle, I) = FCommand then begin Result := I; Break; end; end; procedure TSysMenuCommand.SetWantSeparator(Value: Boolean); var MenuPosition: Integer; Success: Boolean; begin if Value FWantSeparator then begin Success := False; if Value then begin MenuPosition := GetMenuItemPos; if MenuPosition - 1 then Success := InsertMenu(FSysMenuHandle, MenuPosition, MF_SEPARATOR or mf_ByPosition, FCommand - 1, nil) end else Success := DeleteMenu(FSysMenuHandle, FCommand - 1, MF_BYCOMMAND); FWantSeparator := Value; end; end; procedure TSysMenuCommand.SysCommand; begin if Assigned(FOnClick) then FOnClick(Self); if FAutoToggle then Checked := not Checked; end; {------------------------------------------------} constructor TSysMenuCommandList.Create; begin SysMenuList:=TList.Create; if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) then begin if Assigned(Application) then AppOnMsg:=Application.OnMessage; Application.OnMessage:=OnSysMessage; end; end; destructor TSysMenuCommandList.Destroy; begin if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) then Application.OnMessage:=AppOnMsg; SysMenuList.Free; inherited Destroy; end; procedure TSysMenuCommandList.OnSysMessage(var Msg: TMsg; var Handled: Boolean); begin if (Msg.wParam)WM_USER then Handled:=CallItem(Msg.wParam); if not Handled then if Assigned(AppOnMsg) then AppOnMsg(Msg,Handled); end; function TSysMenuCommandList.Add(Item: TSysMenuCommand): Word; begin SysMenuList.Add(Item); result:=WM_USER + SysMenuList.Count; end; procedure TSysMenuCommandList.Remove(Item: TSysMenuCommand); var i: integer; begin for i:= SysMenuList.Count-1 downto 0 do if TSysMenuCommand(SysMenuList[i]).FCommand=Item.FCommand then begin SysMenuList.Delete(i); break; end; end; function TSysMenuCommandList.CallItem(CommandID: Word): boolean; var i: integer; begin result:=false; for i:= SysMenuList.Count-1 downto 0 do if TSysMenuCommand(SysMenuList[i]).FCommand=CommandID then begin TSysMenuCommand(SysMenuList[i]).SysCommand; result:=true; break; end; end; initialization SysMenuCommandList:=nil; finalization if Assigned(SysMenuCommandList) then SysMenuCommandList.Free; end.