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Give your forms a background

Web pages use tiled bitmaps to create backgrounds. Is it possible to do this in Delphi? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Before I learned how to do this, to create a background on a form, I'd drop a TImage on my form, then set its Align property to alClient. For low-resolution bitmaps, the pixelation that would occur at times was absolutely terrible! But with the method that I'll show you here (Note: this is merely ONE way of doing it), you can easily tile bitmaps on the surface of your form. The trick is in trapping the WM_ERASEBKGND message in a handler, creating a bitmap at runtime, then writing a quick bit of code in the OnPaint event handler. Let's go through the steps. In the private section of your code place the following: private { Private declarations } MyBitmap: TBitmap; procedure WMEraseBkgnd(var m: TWMEraseBkgnd); message WM_ERASEBKGND; Notice the declaration of MyBitmap. We'll be creating an instance for it below. The message handler for WM_ERASEBKGND looks like this: procedure TBmpform.WMEraseBkgnd(var m : TWMEraseBkgnd); begin m.Result := LRESULT(False); end; Then, create the following code for the OnPaint event handler Note: In the original article, the "x := x + MyBitmap.Width" is a bit inefficient in that continuously accessing the Bitmap.Width or .Height properties can slow things down - especially when you've got code in the OnPaint method. So what I did here was to simply set a couple of variables to store the Width and Height property values of the bitmap. procedure TBmpForm.FormPaint(Sender: TObject); var x, y: Integer; iBMWid, iBMHeight : Integer; begin iBMWid := MyBitmap.Width; iBMHeight := MyBitmap.Height; y := 0; while y < Height do begin x := 0; while x < Width do begin Canvas.Draw(x, y, MyBitmap); x := x + iBMWid; end; y := y + iBMHeight; end; end; Finally, create an instance of the bitmap you want to tile in the background in the OnCreate event of your form: procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin Application.OnHint := ShowHint; MyBitmap := TBitmap.Create; MyBitmap.LoadFromFile('Brick4.bmp'); end; Whoops, almost forgot! You need to destroy the bitmap when you exit! procedure TForm1.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); begin Action := caFree; bmpBackground.Free; end; Well, that's it. Don't you just love the quick and dirty ones?