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Categories / Delphi / Forms

Formated source code within articles

Title: Formated source code within articles Question: How to put well formated source code fragments into Delphi 3000 articles. Answer: Here is an examples how well formated delphi code could look: function DeleteADOTable(cn: TADOConnection; const TableName:string):Integer; const DELETE_STATEMENT = 'DELETE FROM '; begin if IsSQLServerConnection(cn) then begin try cn.Execute('TRUNCATE TABLE ' + TableName, Result); except // use (slower) delete if truncate fails cn.Execute(DELETE_STATEMENT + TableName, result); end; end else cn.Execute(DELETE_STATEMENT + TableName, result); end; If you want to format your articles like the example above, download the freeware GExperts. ( Mark your source code in the IDE, select GExperts - Source Exports... from the menu. Then copy the marked code fragment as HTML into the clipboard and paste it in your browser window.