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Extracting Version Information

Title: Extracting Version Information Question: How can I display some fields from my application's version information? Answer: I provide you the object that could be used for extracting version information from executables and libraries. unit siverinfo; interface uses Windows, Classes, SysUtils; type TVersionInfo = class(TObject) private FData: Pointer; FSize: Cardinal; FCompanyName: string; FFileDescription: string; FFileVersion: string; FInternalName: string; FLegalCopyright: string; FLegalTrademarks: string; FOriginalFilename: string; FProductName: string; FProductVersion: string; FComments: string; public constructor Create(FileName: string); destructor Destroy; override; property CompanyName: string read FCompanyName; property FileDescription: string read FFileDescription; property FileVersion: string read FFileVersion; property InternalName: string read FInternalName; property LegalCopyright: string read FLegalCopyright; property LegalTrademarks: string read FLegalTrademarks; property OriginalFilename: string read FOriginalFilename; property ProductName: string read FProductName; property ProductVersion: string read FProductVersion; property Comments: string read FComments; end; implementation { TVersionInfo } constructor TVersionInfo.Create(FileName: string); var sz, lpHandle, tbl: Cardinal; lpBuffer: Pointer; str: PChar; strtbl: string; int: PInteger; hiW, loW: Word; begin inherited Create; FSize := GetFileVersionInfoSize(PChar(FileName), lpHandle); FData := AllocMem(FSize); GetFileVersionInfo(PChar(FileName), lpHandle, FSize, FData); VerQueryValue(FData, '\\VarFileInfo\Translation', lpBuffer, sz); int := lpBuffer; hiW := HiWord(int^); loW := LoWord(int^); tbl := (loW shl 16) or hiW; strtbl := Format('%x', [tbl]); if Length(strtbl) VerQueryValue(FData, PChar('\\StringFileInfo\'+strtbl+'\CompanyName'), lpBuffer, sz); str := lpBuffer; FCompanyName := str; VerQueryValue(FData, PChar('\\StringFileInfo\'+strtbl+'\FileDescription'), lpBuffer, sz); str := lpBuffer; FFileDescription := str; VerQueryValue(FData, PChar('\\StringFileInfo\'+strtbl+'\FileVersion'), lpBuffer, sz); str := lpBuffer; FFileVersion := str; VerQueryValue(FData, PChar('\\StringFileInfo\'+strtbl+'\InternalName'), lpBuffer, sz); str := lpBuffer; FInternalName := str; VerQueryValue(FData, PChar('\\StringFileInfo\'+strtbl+'\LegalCopyright'), lpBuffer, sz); str := lpBuffer; FLegalCopyright := str; VerQueryValue(FData, PChar('\\StringFileInfo\'+strtbl+'\LegalTrademarks'), lpBuffer, sz); str := lpBuffer; FLegalTrademarks := str; VerQueryValue(FData, PChar('\\StringFileInfo\'+strtbl+'\OriginalFilename'), lpBuffer, sz); str := lpBuffer; FOriginalFilename := str; VerQueryValue(FData, PChar('\\StringFileInfo\'+strtbl+'\ProductName'), lpBuffer, sz); str := lpBuffer; FProductName := str; VerQueryValue(FData, PChar('\\StringFileInfo\'+strtbl+'\ProductVersion'), lpBuffer, sz); str := lpBuffer; FProductVersion := str; VerQueryValue(FData, PChar('\\StringFileInfo\'+strtbl+'\Comments'), lpBuffer, sz); str := lpBuffer; FComments := str; end; destructor TVersionInfo.Destroy; begin FreeMem(FData); inherited; end; end.