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Displaying Custom Exceptions Dialogs and write Exceptions to the NT Event Log (component set)

Title: Displaying Custom Exceptions Dialogs and write Exceptions to the NT Event Log (component set) Question: Often, the simple message box (and its ping) are just annoying, and they don't tell us where exactly our problem has started. This component will allow you to override Delphis standard exception handler and create your custom exception dialogs as you want them to look. Answer: Introduction Delphi has become (one of) the best programming language/tool on the market. And by now, everyone should be aware of the fact, that you can control and manage every fact of your Delphi application. Just how can we? Well, this time, we are going to look into Delphi Exception handling and start to go new ways. If you are interessted in a more detailed introduction to component writing and especially this component, come and read my German course on "Component Developement" in the German Delphi-PRAXiS community. (Happy Birthday Christian S.) It has just started, and this component will be part of the next few lectures. The way Delphi goes Usually, when you have an untrapped exception, you get a simple message box, that displays the error message - that's it. This error message does not give any useful information to most users and certainly it doesn't help programmers most the time either. What we need is just more. Open up, Delphi! Delphis Application object has an event property named Application.OnException. This is our entry point to start catching all unhandled exceptions. The event handler is defined as TExceptionEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject; E: Exception) of object; At the end of this article, you will be able to display dialog boxes for all exceptions like this one - or any other way you want. Going further Another step we want to take is the Windows NT Event Log. Our component can write error messages to the log. At design-time you'll simply have to add the component TEventLog, bundled together with this component download, to the project and assign it to the TExceptionManager component. (Unit: EventLog) Further, we enhance this component by analyzing the mapping file, created during compilation by Delphi. A seperate class (not as component) will take care of analyzing the mapping file and, at run-time, anaylze the last error occured and retrieve information about unit name and method as well as the line number, where the error has occured. The mapping file has to have the same name as the EXE file of the application, with the extension .map. It has to be in the same directory. (Unit: MapFile) Note: You have to turn on the creation of the mapping file in Delphi. Menu: Projet | Options Page: Linker Map File: Detailed Note: Further information on mapping files you'll find at the D3K article Advanced Debug manager (Exception handler) by Olivier Rogier. The frame work During application start up we will create the actual exception handler (TExceptionHandler) in the background. (Unit: ExceptionHandler) Since only one Exception Manager (TExceptionManager) can work at any time, our exception handler will take care of the right assignments. Since the Exception Handler will not be created at design-time automatically, we have to take care of this separately. When an Exception Manager wants to take control of exceptions occuring, we will set its Active property to true. In the background our Exception Manager will "tell" the Exception Handler that it takes control. When another Exception Manager takes control, the Exception Handler will acknowledge the fact and pass on the control. The Exception Handler Two more methods I want to explain shortly. procedure ExceptionHandler(Sender: TObject; ExceptObject: Exception); The method ExceptionHandler will be assigned to the Application.OnException Event. All exceptions will be passed to this event handler. ... // analyze exception FMapFile.LoadExceptionData; // handle exception Handled := False; if Assigned(FCurrentManager.OnException) then // event handler is assigned FCurrentManager.OnException( Sender, ExceptObject, ExceptAddr, FMapFile.ExceptionAnalyzed, FMapFile.ExceptAddress, FMapFile.ExceptUnitName, FMapFile.ExceptMethodName, FMapFile.ExceptLineNumber, Handled ); if Handled then // the event handler has finished processing message, stop Exit; ... First we will try to analyze the mapping file. Next we check for a custom event handler with the current Exception Manager and pass on the event. If the custom handler has finished all work we'll stop, otherwise we continue with the default event handling. procedure DeactivateExceptionHandler; override; The method DeactivateExceptionHandler will check, whether our Exception Handler is active. In this case it will assign the saved default excpetion handler back to the Application.OnException event (usually nil) and cancel the current manager. ... if ThisHandlerIsActive then begin // disable exception Manager Application.OnException := FDelphiExceptionHandler; FDelphiExceptionHandler := nil; FCurrentManager := nil; end; ... The Exception Manager The Exception Manager provides different properties that allow the programmer to define the behavior during an exception. Active - Set to True to activate the Exception Manager. Only one can be active at any time. The others will be set to inactive, automatically.Eventlog - Assign an Eventlog component to this property if you want the Exception Handler to log exceptions into the Windows NT Eventlog. It will skip automatically on other Windows systems.MessageDetails - Turn on/off the information you want to show to the user/save to the eventlog.Options - Turn on/off the actions you want the Event Handler to take during an exception. THE CODE SNIPPETS You can either start with these or simply download the component and the sample application. Download here ==================================================== The Eventlog ==================================================== {* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Unit Name : EventLog * Autor : Daniel Wischnewski * Copyright : Copyright 2002 by gate(n)etwork. All Right Reserved. * Urheber : Daniel Wischnewski * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *} unit EventLog; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs; type TEventLog = class(TComponent) private FConnected: Boolean; FTypesSupported: Integer; FCategoryCount: Integer; FCategoryMessageFile: String; FEventSource: String; FEventMessageFile: String; FEventLog: THandle; FMachine: String; function GetOSCanLogEvents: Boolean; procedure SetCategoryCount(const Value: Integer); procedure SetCategoryMessageFile(const Value: String); procedure SetEventMessageFile(const Value: String); procedure SetEventSource(const Value: String); procedure SetTypesSupported(const Value: Integer); procedure SetConnected(const Value: Boolean); procedure DoConnect(const Value: Boolean); procedure SetMachine(const Value: String); { Private declarations } protected { Protected declarations } public { Public declarations } constructor Create(aOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; procedure RegisterEventSource; procedure LogEvent( Message: TStrings; Data: String = ''; aEventID: Word = 0; aCategoryID: Word = 1; aEventType: Word = EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE ); overload; published { Published declarations } property OSCanLogEvents: Boolean read GetOSCanLogEvents; property EventSource: String read FEventSource write SetEventSource; property Machine: String read FMachine write SetMachine; property CategoryMessageFile: String read FCategoryMessageFile write SetCategoryMessageFile; property EventMessageFile: String read FEventMessageFile write SetEventMessageFile; property CategoryCount: Integer read FCategoryCount write SetCategoryCount; property TypesSupported: Integer read FTypesSupported write SetTypesSupported; property Connected: Boolean read FConnected write SetConnected; end; procedure Register; implementation uses Registry; {$R *.DCR} procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('gate(n)etwork', [TEventLog]); end; function IsNT: Boolean; var OSVersion: TOSVersionInfo; OSId: Integer; begin with OSVersion do begin dwOSVersionInfoSize := sizeOf(TOSVersionInfo); if not getVersionEx(OSVersion) then OSId := -1 else OSId := dwPlatformId; end; Result := (OSId = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT); end; { TEventLog } constructor TEventLog.Create(aOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(aOwner); FConnected := False; FTypesSupported := 1; FCategoryCount := 1; FCategoryMessageFile := ''; FEventSource := Application.Name; FEventMessageFile := ''; FEventLog := 0; FMachine := ''; end; destructor TEventLog.Destroy; begin DoConnect(False); inherited Destroy; end; procedure TEventLog.DoConnect(const Value: Boolean); begin if csDesigning in ComponentState then FConnected := Value and (FEventSource '') else if FEventSource '' then if (FConnected Value) and OSCanLogEvents then begin if FConnected then begin DeregisterEventSource(FEventLog); FEventLog := 0; end else begin if FMachine '' then FEventLog := Windows.RegisterEventSource( PChar(FMachine), PChar(FEventSource) ) else FEventLog := Windows.RegisterEventSource(nil, PChar(FEventSource)); end; FConnected := FEventLog 0; end; end; function TEventLog.GetOSCanLogEvents: Boolean; begin Result := IsNT; end; procedure TEventLog.LogEvent( Message: TStrings; Data: String; aEventID, aCategoryID, aEventType: Word ); var I: Integer; MessageStr: array of PChar; MessageCount: Word; begin if Connected then begin MessageCount := Message.Count; SetLength(MessageStr, MessageCount); try for I := 0 to MessageCount - 1 do MessageStr[I] := StrNew(PChar(Message.Strings[I])); try if Data '' then Windows.ReportEvent( FEventLog, aEventType, aCategoryID, aEventID, nil, MessageCount, Length(Data), MessageStr, @Data[1] ) else Windows.ReportEvent( FEventLog, aEventType, aCategoryID, aEventID, nil, MessageCount, 0, MessageStr, nil ) finally for I := 0 to MessageCount - 1 do StrDispose(MessageStr[I]); end; finally SetLength(MessageStr, 0); end; end; end; procedure TEventLog.RegisterEventSource; begin with TRegistry.Create( STANDARD_RIGHTS_ALL or KEY_SET_VALUE or KEY_CREATE_SUB_KEY ) do try RootKey := HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; if OpenKey( '\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Eventlog\Application\' + FEventSource, True ) then try WriteString('CategoryMessageFile', FCategoryMessageFile); WriteString('EventMessageFile', FEventMessageFile); WriteInteger('CategoryCount', FCategoryCount); WriteInteger('TypesSupported', FTypesSupported); finally CloseKey; end; finally Free; end; end; procedure TEventLog.SetCategoryCount(const Value: Integer); begin FCategoryCount := Value; end; procedure TEventLog.SetCategoryMessageFile(const Value: String); begin FCategoryMessageFile := Value; end; procedure TEventLog.SetConnected(const Value: Boolean); begin if FEventSource = '' then DoConnect(False) else DoConnect(Value); end; procedure TEventLog.SetEventMessageFile(const Value: String); begin FEventMessageFile := Value; end; procedure TEventLog.SetEventSource(const Value: String); begin FEventSource := Value; if FEventSource = '' then DoConnect(False) else if Connected then begin DoConnect(False); DoConnect(True); end; end; procedure TEventLog.SetMachine(const Value: String); begin if FMachine Value then begin FMachine := Value; if (FEventSource '') and Connected then begin DoConnect(False); DoConnect(True); end; end; end; procedure TEventLog.SetTypesSupported(const Value: Integer); begin FTypesSupported := Value; end; end. ==================================================== The Exception Handler ==================================================== {* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Unit Name : ExceptionHandler * Autor : Daniel Wischnewski * Copyright : Copyright 2002 by gate(n)etwork. All Right Reserved. * Urheber : Daniel Wischnewski * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *} unit ExceptionHandler; interface uses Classes, SysUtils, Forms, Windows, ExceptionManager, MapFile; type TBaseExceptionHandler = class private protected function GetActive(Manager: TExceptionManager): Boolean; virtual; abstract; procedure SetActive( Manager: TExceptionManager; Value: Boolean ); virtual; abstract; public procedure RegisterManager( const Manager: TExceptionManager ); virtual; abstract; procedure UnRegisterManager( const Manager: TExceptionManager ); virtual; abstract; procedure DeactivateExceptionHandler; virtual; abstract; property Active[Manager: TExceptionManager]: Boolean read GetActive write SetActive; end; function GetExceptionHandler: TBaseExceptionHandler; implementation var gExceptionHandler: TBaseExceptionHandler; gDesignModus: Boolean = True; type TExceptionHandler = class(TBaseExceptionHandler) private FDelphiExceptionHandler: TExceptionEvent; FCurrentManager: TExceptionManager; FExceptionManagers: TList; FMapFile: TMapFile; function ThisHandlerIsActive: Boolean; protected function GetActive(Manager: TExceptionManager): Boolean; override; procedure SetActive(Manager: TExceptionManager; Value: Boolean); override; procedure ExceptionHandler(Sender: TObject; ExceptObject: Exception); public constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; procedure RegisterManager(const Manager: TExceptionManager); override; procedure UnRegisterManager(const Manager: TExceptionManager); override; procedure DeactivateExceptionHandler; override; end; function GetExceptionHandler: TBaseExceptionHandler; begin if gExceptionHandler = nil then gExceptionHandler := TExceptionHandler.Create; Result := gExceptionHandler; end; { TExceptionHandler } constructor TExceptionHandler.Create; begin inherited Create; FDelphiExceptionHandler := nil; FExceptionManagers := TList.Create; FMapFile := TMapFile.Create; FMapFile.MapFileName := ChangeFileExt(Application.ExeName, '.map'); end; procedure TExceptionHandler.DeactivateExceptionHandler; begin if ThisHandlerIsActive then begin // disable exception Manager Application.OnException := FDelphiExceptionHandler; FDelphiExceptionHandler := nil; FCurrentManager := nil; end; end; destructor TExceptionHandler.Destroy; begin DeactivateExceptionHandler; FreeAndNil(FMapFile); FreeAndNil(FExceptionManagers); inherited Destroy; end; procedure TExceptionHandler.ExceptionHandler( Sender: TObject; ExceptObject: Exception ); var Handled: Boolean; SL: TStringList; begin if FCurrentManager nil then begin // analyze exception FMapFile.LoadExceptionData; // handle exception Handled := False; if Assigned(FCurrentManager.OnException) then // event handler is assigned FCurrentManager.OnException( Sender, ExceptObject, ExceptAddr, FMapFile.ExceptionAnalyzed, FMapFile.ExceptAddress, FMapFile.ExceptUnitName, FMapFile.ExceptMethodName, FMapFile.ExceptLineNumber, Handled ); if Handled then // the event handler has finished processing message, stop Exit; // create message SL := TStringList.Create; try if mdMessage in FCurrentManager.MessageDetails then begin SL.Add(ExceptObject.Message); if FCurrentManager.MessageDetails - [mdMessage] [] then SL.Add(''); end; if FMapFile.ExceptionAnalyzed then begin if mdAddress in FCurrentManager.MessageDetails then begin SL.Add('Exception Address: ' + IntToHex(FMapFile.ExceptAddress, 8)); if FCurrentManager.MessageDetails - [mdMessage, mdAddress] [] then SL.Add(''); end; if mdSourceInformation in FCurrentManager.MessageDetails then begin SL.Add('Information about Source of Exception'); SL.Add('Unit: ' + FMapFile.ExceptUnitName); SL.Add('Method: ' + FMapFile.ExceptMethodName); SL.Add('Line: ' + IntToStr(FMapFile.ExceptLineNumber)); end; end; if eoShowMessageToUser in FCurrentManager.Options then MessageBox( 0, PChar(SL.Text), PChar('Exception handled: ' + FCurrentManager.Name), MB_OK or MB_ICONERROR ); if eoLogToNTEventLog in FCurrentManager.Options then if Assigned(FCurrentManager.EventLog) then FCurrentManager.EventLog.LogEvent(SL); finally SL.Free; end; if eoTerminateOnException in FCurrentManager.Options then Application.Terminate; end; end; function TExceptionHandler.GetActive(Manager: TExceptionManager): Boolean; begin Result := ThisHandlerIsActive and (FCurrentManager = Manager); end; procedure TExceptionHandler.RegisterManager(const Manager: TExceptionManager); begin if FExceptionManagers.IndexOf(Manager) then FExceptionManagers.Add(Manager); end; procedure TExceptionHandler.SetActive( Manager: TExceptionManager; Value: Boolean ); begin if Value Active[Manager] then if Value and Assigned(Manager) then begin // check for design mode if not gDesignModus then begin // enable exception Manager if not ThisHandlerIsActive then FDelphiExceptionHandler := Application.OnException; Application.OnException := ExceptionHandler; FCurrentManager := Manager; end; end else begin DeactivateExceptionHandler; end; end; function TExceptionHandler.ThisHandlerIsActive: Boolean; var MyEH: TExceptionEvent; begin // get handle to lokal exception Manager MyEH := ExceptionHandler; // compare to global exception Manager Result := (Addr(Application.OnException) = Addr(MyEH)); end; procedure TExceptionHandler.UnRegisterManager(const Manager: TExceptionManager); begin // remove manager from controlled list if FExceptionManagers.IndexOf(Manager) = 0 then FExceptionManagers.Remove(Manager); Active[Manager] := False; if gDesignModus then // during design-time if FExceptionManagers.Count = 0 then begin // destroy the exception Manager if last manager is removed from list gExceptionHandler := nil; Destroy; end; end; initialization // this part will not be executed at design-time gExceptionHandler := TExceptionHandler.Create; // therefore we can fetch the design-time state gDesignModus := False; finalization // free all stuff :-) FreeAndNil(gExceptionHandler); end. ==================================================== The Exception Manager ==================================================== {* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Unit Name : ExceptionManager * Autor : Daniel Wischnewski * Copyright : Copyright 2002 by gate(n)etwork. All Right Reserved. * Urheber : Daniel Wischnewski * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *} unit ExceptionManager; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, EventLog; type // different possibilities for handling exceptions TExceptionOptions = ( eoShowMessageToUser, eoLogToNTEventLog, eoTerminateOnException ); TExceptionOptionSet = set of TExceptionOptions; // options for message details to display TMessageDetails = ( mdMessage, mdAddress, mdSourceInformation ); TMessageDetailSet = set of TMessageDetails; // definition for custom exception handler TCustomExceptionHandler = procedure( Sender: TObject; ExceptObject: Exception; ExceptionAddr: Pointer; ExceptionAnalyzed: Boolean; Address: DWORD; UnitName, MethodName: String; LineNum: DWORD; var Handled: Boolean ) of object; TExceptionManager = class(TComponent) private FOptions: TExceptionOptionSet; FMessageDetails: TMessageDetailSet; FOnException: TCustomExceptionHandler; FEventLog: TEventLog; function GetActive: Boolean; procedure SetActive(const Value: Boolean); procedure SetOptions(const Value: TExceptionOptionSet); procedure SetMessageDetails(const Value: TMessageDetailSet); procedure SetOnException(const Value: TCustomExceptionHandler); { Private declarations } protected { Protected declarations } procedure Notification( aComponent: TComponent; Operation: TOperation ); override; public { Public declarations } constructor Create(aOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; procedure DeactivateAllManagers; published { Published declarations } property Active: Boolean read GetActive write SetActive; property Options: TExceptionOptionSet read FOptions write SetOptions; property MessageDetails: TMessageDetailSet read FMessageDetails write SetMessageDetails; property OnException: TCustomExceptionHandler read FOnException write SetOnException; property EventLog: TEventLog read FEventLog write FEventLog; end; procedure Register; implementation uses ExceptionHandler; {$R *.DCR} procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('gate(n)etwork', [TExceptionManager]); end; { TExceptionManager } constructor TExceptionManager.Create(aOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(aOwner); GetExceptionHandler.RegisterManager(Self); FOptions := [eoShowMessageToUser]; FMessageDetails := [mdMessage, mdAddress, mdSourceInformation]; FOnException := nil; FEventLog := nil; end; procedure TExceptionManager.DeactivateAllManagers; begin GetExceptionHandler.DeactivateExceptionHandler; end; destructor TExceptionManager.Destroy; begin GetExceptionHandler.UnRegisterManager(Self); inherited Destroy; end; function TExceptionManager.GetActive: Boolean; begin Result := GetExceptionHandler.Active[Self]; end; procedure TExceptionManager.Notification(aComponent: TComponent; Operation: TOperation); begin inherited Notification(aComponent, Operation); if (Operation = opRemove) then begin if aComponent = FEventLog then FEventLog := nil; end; end; procedure TExceptionManager.SetActive(const Value: Boolean); begin GetExceptionHandler.Active[Self] := Value; end; procedure TExceptionManager.SetMessageDetails(const Value: TMessageDetailSet); begin FMessageDetails := Value; end; procedure TExceptionManager.SetOnException( const Value: TCustomExceptionHandler ); begin FOnException := Value; end; procedure TExceptionManager.SetOptions(const Value: TExceptionOptionSet); begin FOptions := Value; end; end. ==================================================== The Mapping File ==================================================== {* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Unit Name : MapFile * Autor : Daniel Wischnewski * Copyright : Copyright 2002 by gate(n)etwork. All Right Reserved. * Urheber : Daniel Wischnewski * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *} unit MapFile; interface uses SysUtils, Classes, Windows; type TMapFile = class private FMapFileName: String; FSegmentData, FAdressData, FLineData: TStringList; FMapFileBase: DWORD; FExceptAddress: DWORD; FExceptLineNumber: Integer; FExceptMethodName: String; FExceptUnitName: String; FExceptionAnalyzed: Boolean; procedure SetMapFileName(const Value: String); procedure LoadMapFile; protected public constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; procedure LoadExceptionData(Address: Pointer = nil); property MapFileName: String read FMapFileName write SetMapFileName; property MapFileBase: DWORD read FMapFileBase write FMapFileBase; property ExceptUnitName: String read FExceptUnitName; property ExceptMethodName: String read FExceptMethodName; property ExceptLineNumber: Integer read FExceptLineNumber; property ExceptAddress: DWORD read FExceptAddress; property ExceptionAnalyzed: Boolean read FExceptionAnalyzed; end; implementation { TMapFile } constructor TMapFile.Create; begin inherited Create; FSegmentData := TStringList.Create; FAdressData := TStringList.Create; FLineData := TStringList.Create; FMapFileName := ''; FMapFileBase := $00401000; FExceptAddress := 0; FExceptLineNumber := 0; FExceptMethodName := ''; FExceptUnitName := ''; FExceptionAnalyzed := False; end; destructor TMapFile.Destroy; begin FreeAndNil(FSegmentData); FreeAndNil(FAdressData); FreeAndNil(FLineData); inherited Destroy; end; procedure TMapFile.LoadExceptionData(Address: Pointer); var UnitLineDataFound: Boolean; I, J, LastLine: Integer; Start, Stop, ProcAddr, LineAddr: DWORD; Line: String; begin // reset FExceptAddress := 0; FExceptLineNumber := 0; FExceptMethodName := ''; FExceptUnitName := ''; FExceptionAnalyzed := False; // load address if Address = nil then Address := ExceptAddr; if Address = nil then Exit; // load and adjust exception address FExceptAddress := DWORD(Address) - FMapFileBase; // find unit of exception I := 0; while I do begin try // check whether address is within unit address limits Start := DWORD(StrToInt('0x' + Copy(FSegmentData[I], 7, 8))); Stop := Start + DWORD(StrToInt('0x' + Copy(FSegmentData[I], 16, 8))); if (Start and (FExceptAddress then begin Start := Pos('M=', FSegmentData[I]) + 2; Stop := Pos('ACBP=', FSegmentData[I]); if (Start 0) and (Stop 0) then FExceptUnitName := Trim(Copy(FSegmentData[I], Start, Stop - Start - 1)); end; except end; Inc(I); end; // find function of exception I := 0; while I do begin try ProcAddr := DWORD(StrToInt('0x' + Copy(FAdressData[I], 7, 8))); if ProcAddr = FExceptAddress then begin if ProcAddr = FExceptAddress then Line := FAdressData[I] else Line := FAdressData[Pred(I)]; FExceptMethodName := Trim(Copy(Line, 22, Length(Line))); Break; end; except end; Inc(I); end; // find line number of exception I := 0; UnitLineDataFound := False; // search for unit section while I do begin if Pos(FExceptUnitName, FLineData[I]) 0 then begin UnitLineDataFound := True; Break; end; Inc(I); end; if UnitLineDataFound then begin // search for line number LastLine := 0; LineAddr := 0; Inc(I, 2); while I do begin if Pos('Line numbers for', FLineData[I]) 0 then Break; try for J := 0 to 3 do begin LineAddr := StrToInt('0x' + Copy(FLineData[I], J * 20 + 13, 8)); if LineAddr FExceptAddress then Break; LastLine := StrToInt(Trim(Copy(FLineData[I], J * 20 + 1, 6))); if LineAddr = FExceptAddress then Break; end; except end; Inc(I); end; if LineAddr = FExceptAddress then FExceptLineNumber := LastLine; end; FExceptionAnalyzed := True; end; procedure TMapFile.LoadMapFile; var I: Integer; begin FSegmentData.Clear; FAdressData.Clear; FLineData.Clear; if FileExists(FMapFileName) then with TStringList.Create do try LoadFromFile(FMapFileName); // find start of detailed segment block I := 0; while I do if Pos('Detailed map of segments', Strings[I]) 0 then Break else Inc(I); Inc(I, 2); // copy all lines to segment data, until name-address block starts while I do if Pos('Address Publics by Name', Strings[I]) 0 then Break else begin FSegmentData.Add(Strings[I]); Inc(I); end; // find start of value-address block while I do if Pos('Address Publics by Value', Strings[I]) 0 then Break else Inc(I); Inc(I, 3); // copy all lines to address data, until line number block starts while I do if Pos('Line numbers for', Strings[I]) 0 then Break else begin FAdressData.Add(Strings[I]); Inc(I); end; // copy all remaining lines to line data while I do begin FLineData.Add(Strings[I]); Inc(I); end; finally Free; end; end; procedure TMapFile.SetMapFileName(const Value: String); begin if FMapFileName Value then begin FMapFileName := Value; LoadMapFile; end; end; end. Have fun, Daniel Wischnewski