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Display a dialog for folder selection

Title: Display a dialog for folder selection Question: How to select a folder? Answer: Yesterday I posted how to display standard dialog for files (open/save). Today I want to show how you may use stamndard dialog when user must select a folder/directory. Use the next function: uses SysUtils, ShlObj; function BrowseCallbackProc(hwnd: HWND; uMsg: UINT; lParam: LPARAM; lpData: LPARAM): Integer; stdcall; begin if (uMsg = BFFM_INITIALIZED) then SendMessage(hwnd, BFFM_SETSELECTION, 1, lpData); BrowseCallbackProc := 0; end; function GetFolderDialog(Handle: Integer; Caption: string; var strFolder: string): Boolean; const BIF_STATUSTEXT = $0004; BIF_NEWDIALOGSTYLE = $0040; BIF_RETURNONLYFSDIRS = $0080; BIF_SHAREABLE = $0100; BIF_USENEWUI = BIF_EDITBOX or BIF_NEWDIALOGSTYLE; var BrowseInfo: TBrowseInfo; ItemIDList: PItemIDList; JtemIDList: PItemIDList; Path: PAnsiChar; begin Result := False; Path := StrAlloc(MAX_PATH); SHGetSpecialFolderLocation(Handle, CSIDL_DRIVES, JtemIDList); with BrowseInfo do begin hwndOwner := GetActiveWindow; pidlRoot := JtemIDList; SHGetSpecialFolderLocation(hwndOwner, CSIDL_DRIVES, JtemIDList); { return display name of item selected } pszDisplayName := StrAlloc(MAX_PATH); { set the title of dialog } lpszTitle := PChar(Caption);//'Select the folder'; { flags that control the return stuff } // ulFlags := ulFlags or BIF_NEWDIALOGSTYLE or BIF_RETURNONLYFSDIRS; // ulFlags := ulFlags or BIF_RETURNONLYFSDIRS; lpfn := @BrowseCallbackProc; { extra info that's passed back in callbacks } lParam := LongInt(PChar(strFolder)); end; ItemIDList := SHBrowseForFolder(BrowseInfo); if (ItemIDList nil) then if SHGetPathFromIDList(ItemIDList, Path) then begin strFolder := Path; Result := True end; end; For example, s := 'c:\Arch'; if GetFolderDialog(Application.Handle, 'Select a folder', s) then ShowMessage('User selected this folder: ' + s)