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Delphi Version Information Component

Title: Delphi Version Information Component Question: When you right click an executable program, it has a tab containing the Version Information. This information can be extracted from the program and used for display purposes Answer: I was curious as how to solve this problem and thought it would be a good idea to write a component for it. That way I could be lazy and reuse it when ever I wanted. In addition, other people can be lazy too. It's not perfect, but it works. I've talked to people using it in D4, D5, CB4, and CB5. Please let me know if you find any bugs or even if you just like it. { Tprojinfo version This component gathers version info from a given file using the "the dreaded and bizarre GetFileVersionInfo, VerQueryValue, and VerLanguageName functions defined in winver.h." (msdn) This component comes with no guarantee at all. The source code may be copyied, modified, deleted, burned, blasphemed, or what ever you wish to do with it as long as it is distributed for free. Author: Gregory Liss Usage : Drop component on form. Set project name in the exename property or programatically. This name must include the path. The easiest way is like this: projinfo1.exename := application.exename; To get the information, simply use the execute method: projinfo1.execute; project information is stored as properties or you can get a stringlist from the allinfo property. } unit GetVerInfo; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs; const CInfoStr : array[1..10] of string = ('FileVersion','FileDescription','LegalCopyright','Comments', 'CompanyName', 'InternalName','LegalTrademarks', 'OriginalFilename','ProductName', 'ProductVersion'); type TProjInfo = class(TComponent) private { Private declarations } sFileName , sFileVersion , sFileDescription , sLegalCopyright, sComments , sCompanyName , sInternalName , sLegalTrademarks , sOriginalFilename , sProductName , sProductVersion , sLanguage : string; slAllItems: TStrings; procedure SetFileName (exename : string); procedure SetFileVersion (ver : string); procedure SetFileDescription(desc : string); procedure SetLegalCopyright(cr : string); procedure SetComments(cmt : string); procedure SetCompanyName(cn : string); procedure SetInternalName(intn : string); procedure SetLegalTrademarks(tm : string); procedure SetOriginalFilename(ofn : string); procedure SetProductName(pn : string); procedure SetProductVersion(pv : string); procedure SetLanguage(lang : string); procedure SetAllItems(items : Tstrings); procedure GetVersionInfo(AVersionList: TStrings); protected { Protected declarations } public { Public declarations } constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; procedure execute; published property EXEName : string read sFileName write SetFileName; property FileVersion: String read sFileVersion write SetFileVersion; property FileDescription: String read sFileDescription write SetFileDescription; property LegalCopyright: String read sLegalCopyright write SetLegalCopyright; property Comments: String read sComments write SetComments; property CompanyName: String read sCompanyName write SetCompanyName; property InternalName: String read sInternalName write SetInternalName; property LegalTrademarks: String read sLegalTrademarks write SetLegalTrademarks; property OriginalFilename: String read sOriginalFilename write SetOriginalFilename; property ProductName: String read sProductName write SetProductName; property ProductVersion: String read sProductVersion write SetProductVersion; property Language: String read sLanguage write SetLanguage; property AllItems: TStrings read slAllItems write SetAllItems; { Published declarations } end; procedure Register; implementation // simply change this to register to a different location procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('Tools', [TProjInfo]); end; // constructor - creates the needed items constructor TProjInfo.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin sFileName := ''; slAllItems := TStringList.create; inherited create(Aowner); end; // set the exename property procedure TProjInfo.SetFileName(exename : string); begin if fileexists(exename) then begin sFileName := exename; end else begin sFileName := ''; end; end; {**********************************************} {** set the various properties **} {**********************************************} procedure TProjInfo.SetFileVersion(ver: string); begin sFileVersion := ver; end; procedure TProjInfo.SetFileDescription(desc : string); begin sFileDescription := desc; end; procedure TProjInfo.SetLegalCopyright(cr : string); begin sLegalCopyright := cr; end; procedure TProjInfo.SetComments(cmt : string); begin sComments := cmt; end; procedure TProjInfo.SetCompanyName(cn : string); begin sCompanyName := cn; end; procedure TProjInfo.SetInternalName(intn : string); begin sInternalName := intn; end; procedure TProjInfo.SetLegalTrademarks(tm : string); begin sLegalTrademarks := tm; end; procedure TProjInfo.SetOriginalFilename(ofn : string); begin sOriginalFilename := ofn; end; procedure TProjInfo.SetProductName(pn : string); begin sProductName := pn; end; procedure TProjInfo.SetProductVersion(pv : string); begin sProductVersion := pv; end; procedure TProjInfo.SetLanguage(lang : string); begin sLanguage := lang; end; procedure TProjInfo.SetAllItems(items : Tstrings); begin slAllItems.AddStrings(items); end; // execute method procedure TProjInfo.execute; var alist: TStrings; begin alist := TStringList.create; getversioninfo(alist); // stores the version information into the stringlist // only do if information obtained if alist.count 0 then begin setfileversion(alist.values[CInfoStr[1]]); SetFileDescription(alist.values[CInfoStr[2]]); setLegalCopyright(alist.values[CInfoStr[3]]); SetComments(alist.values[CInfoStr[4]]); SetCompanyName(alist.values[CInfoStr[5]]); SetComments(alist.values[CInfoStr[6]]); SetLegalTrademarks(alist.values[CInfoStr[7]]); SetOriginalFilename(alist.values[CInfoStr[8]]); SetProductName(alist.values[CInfoStr[9]]); SetProductVersion(alist.values[CInfoStr[10]]); SetLanguage(alist[1]); SetAllItems(alist); end;; end; procedure TProjInfo.GetVersionInfo(AVersionList: TStrings); // all version information items type PTransBuffer = ^TTransBuffer; TTransBuffer = array[1..4] of smallint; var transStr, typeStr, filename, language : string; i : integer; ptrans : PTransBuffer; value : PChar; verBuf : pointer; infoSize, verSize, wnd : DWORD; begin // clear the list AVersionList.Clear; // get application information filename := sFileName; infoSize := GetFileVersioninfoSize(PChar(filename), wnd); // if information exists . . . if infoSize 0 then begin GetMem(verBuf, infoSize); try if GetFileVersionInfo(PChar(filename), wnd, infoSize, verBuf) then begin VerQueryvalue(verBuf, PChar('\VarFileInfo\Translation'), Pointer(ptrans), verSize); transStr := IntToHex(ptrans^[1], 4) + IntToHex(ptrans^[2], 4); // loop through all version information for i := Low(CInfoStr) to High(CInfoStr) do begin typeStr := 'StringFileInfo\' + transStr + '\' + CInfoStr[i]; // get information and store into list if VerQueryvalue(verBuf, PChar(typeStr),Pointer(value), verSize) then // use this if you wish to add the title //AVersionList.Add(CInfoStr[i] + ': ' + value); // AVersionList.Add(value); AVersionList.Values[CInfoStr[i]] := value; end; // only add language if the rest completed sucessfully if AVersionList.Count 0 then begin SetLength(language, 256); // get language info and convert to string VerLanguageName(ptrans^[1], PChar(language), 256); SetLength(language, StrLen(PChar(language))); // use this if you wish to add the title // AVersionList.Add('Language: ' + language); AVersionList.Add(language); end; end; finally // memory cleanup FreeMem(verBuf); end; end; end; // thus endeth the component and all the code contained therein. end.