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Create Form Procedure

Title: Create Form Procedure Question: I need to know if it is possible to pass the class name and a variable of that class into a procedure that will create the form. (Explained Below) Answer: I am trying to create a generic procedure that will allow me to check for an instance of a form, create the form is no instance is found, or simply show the form if it has already been created. To do this manually I can use the following code: // Check to see if an instance has already been created if Application.FindComponent('MyForm') = nil then // No instance found, so create the form MyForm := TMyForm.Create(Application); // Show the form RecSrcForm.Show; This is sufficent and works, but I have an form in which I make many of these calls, so in the interest of optimizing the source code size, I want to be able to call a procedure like this: OpenForm(MyForm,TMyForm); I am trying to write something along the lines of this: procedure OpenForm(aFormVariable: ?????; aFormClass: ?????); begin if Application.FindComponent(aFormVariable.Name) = nil then aFormVariable := aFormClass.Create(Application); end; I'm not even sure if this is possible, but if it is, what types would I have to use for aVariable and aFormClass?