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Categories / Delphi / Forms

Change the height and width of a foreign window

Title: change the height and width of a foreign window? { The function ChangeSize does the following: SomeWindow.Height = SomeWindow.Height + dHeight (where dHeight is change in Height) SomeWindow.Width = SomeWindow.Width + dWidth ChangeSize doesn't change the top/left of the specific window. Die Funktion ChangeSize macht folgendes: EinFenster.Height = EinFenster.Height + dHeight (Wobei dHeight die den Höhenunterschied angibt) EinFenster.Width = EinFenster.Width + dWidth Die Funktion ChangeSize ändert Top/Left des Fensters nicht. } procedure ChangeSize(Handle: Hwnd; dHeight, dWidth: Integer); var P: TRect; DlgWidth: integer; DlgHeight: integer; begin GetWindowRect(Handle, P); DlgWidth := P.Right - P.Left; DlgHeight := P.Bottom - P.Top; MoveWindow(Handle, P.Left, P.Top, DlgWidth + dHeight, DlgHeight + dWidth, True); end;