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Catch debug information of an application

Title: Catch debug information of an application Question: Ever wanted to read the debug information an application sends out? Answer: This little codesnippet will ask for the ProcessID (PID) of the application you want to catch debug information from. I did not have time to write some code for it right now, so in the meantime use the taskmanager and get the PID there. :) Type TDebugThread = Class(TThread) Private { Private declarations } Protected { Protected declarations } Procedure Execute; override; Public { Public declarations } Constructor Create; Destructor Destroy; override; End; TForm1 = class(TForm) Memo1: TMemo; TreeView1: TTreeView; procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } DebugThread : TDebugThread; public { Public declarations } Procedure BeginCompile(Sender: TObject); end; var Form1: TForm1; Implementation Procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); Begin DebugThread := TDebugThread.Create; End; procedure TForm1.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); Begin DebugThread.Terminate; End; Procedure TDebugThread.Execute; Var DebugEvent : _Debug_Event; ReadLen : DWord; StrBuffer : pChar; UniBuffer : WideString; S : String; DbgHandle : THandle; OpenHandle : THandle; // ProcessNode : TTreeNode; ThreadNode : TTreeNode; Begin S := InputBox('Process', 'Handle', '0'); DbgHandle := StrToIntDef(S, 0); OpenHandle := OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, True, DbgHandle); IF (DebugActiveProcess(DbgHandle)) Then Form1.Caption := 'Debug ok' Else Form1.Caption := 'Debug failed'; Form1.TreeView1.Items.Clear; ThreadNode := Form1.TreeView1.Items.AddChild(NIL, 'Threads'); // ProcessNode := Form1.TreeView1.Items.AddChild(NIL, 'Processes'); While (not Terminated) do Begin Sleep(0); IF (WaitForDebugEvent(DebugEvent, 100)) Then Begin IF (not Application.Terminated) Then Begin Case DebugEvent.dwDebugEventCode of OUTPUT_DEBUG_STRING_EVENT : Begin IF (DebugEvent.DebugString.fUnicode = 0) Then Begin StrBuffer := StrAlloc(DebugEvent.DebugString.nDebugStringLength); ReadProcessMemory(OpenHandle{DebugEvent.dwProcessId}, @DebugEvent.DebugString.lpDebugStringData^, StrBuffer, DebugEvent.DebugString.nDebugStringLength, ReadLen); Form1.Memo1.Lines.Add(IntToStr(ReadLen)+' - STR - '+StrPas(StrBuffer)); StrDispose(StrBuffer); End Else Begin SetLength(UniBuffer, DebugEvent.DebugString.nDebugStringLength); ReadProcessMemory(DebugEvent.dwProcessId, DebugEvent.DebugString.lpDebugStringData, @UniBuffer[1], DebugEvent.DebugString.nDebugStringLength, ReadLen); UniBuffer := Copy(UniBuffer, 1, ReadLen); Form1.Memo2.Lines.Add(IntToStr(DebugEvent.DebugString.nDebugStringLength)+' - UNI - '{+UniBuffer}); End; End; CREATE_THREAD_DEBUG_EVENT : Begin Form1.TreeView1.Items.AddChild(ThreadNode, IntToStr(DebugEvent.CreateThread.hThread)); End; End; End; ContinueDebugEvent(DebugEvent.dwProcessId, DebugEvent.dwThreadId, DBG_CONTINUE); End Else Sleep(50); End; CloseHandle(OpenHandle); End; Constructor TDebugThread.Create; Begin Inherited Create(False); FreeOnTerminate := True; End; Destructor TDebugThread.Destroy; Begin Inherited Destroy; End; End.