Mega Code Archive

Categories / Delphi / Forms

Assign tform icon at run time

ImageEdit is not good. Try to get Borland's Resource Workshop or paint with paintbrush and use a freeware converter to convert from BMP to ICO, write a little resource script (*.rc) refering to the ICO file and compile it to *.res with BRCC.EXE (comes with Delphi). Use {$R xxx.res} to include it. Then you may use the API function HICON LoadIcon( HINSTANCE hInstance, // handle of application instance LPCTSTR lpIconName // icon-name string or icon resource identifier ); Take this handle (HICON) with the message WM_SETICON to assign it to your form: SendMessage (Form1.Handle, WM_SETICON, false, iconhandle); Note: 3rd parameter = icon size (true -> large icon; false -> small icon).