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All to clean Edits or other component of a Form of only one time

Title: All to clean Edit's or other component of a Form of only one time Question: How to Clean All of Edit's of a Form of only one time? Answer: That article cleans all of Edits that you have inside of a form, more you also can afzer that with another component simply altering the call of the component, it is simple!!! Procedure LimpaEdit; var i : Integer; begin for i := 0 to ComponentCount -1 do if Components[i] is TEdit then begin TEdit(Components[i]).Text := ''; end; end; A Second example can be made with a memo it is as I said.... simple Procedure TForm1.LimpaMeno; var i : Integer; begin for i := 0 to ComponentCount -1 do if Components[i] is TMemo then begin TMemo(Components[i]).Text := ''; end; end;