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Add a Minimize event to your form

Title: Add a Minimize event to your form Question: Have you ever wanted, that your form gets an event when it was minimized? Answer: Try this extension to the normal form. You can assign a handler to the OnMnimize property and choose from three "automatic" actions built in in the form: tmNone = Dont minimize the Window tmWindow = minimize the Window as usual tmAll = Minimze all windows of the application Installation: Put the Unit in the library folder of your delphi compiler and import it to your form sourcecode. Usage: Replace the type TMyForm = class (TForm) of your form with type TMyForm = class (TMiniForm) Thats all. Assign the OnMinimze property at runtime. Example: procedure TMyForm.MyMinimize (Sender: TObject; var state: TMiniState); begin state:= tmAll; // minimize all windows end; procedure TMyForm.FormCreate; begin OnMinimize:= MyMinimize; end; //--------------------------------------------------------- unit MiniForm; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, ComCtrls, Mask, Menus; // state flags for automatic handling of minimize events type TMiniState = (tmNone, // dont react to the message tmWindow, // minimize the window tmAll); // minimze all windows of the app // the minimize event himself type TMinimizeEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject; var state: TMiniState) of object; type TMiniForm = class (TForm) // derived from TForm private FOnMinimize: TMinimizeEvent; FOnRestore: TNotifyEvent; procedure WMSIZE(Var Msg: TWMSIZE); Message WM_SIZE; procedure WinRestore (Sender: TObject); public constructor Create (AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; published property OnMinimize: TMinimizeEvent read FOnMinimize write FOnminimize; end; implementation destructor TMiniForm.Destroy; begin inherited end; constructor TMiniForm.Create (AOwner: TComponent); begin FOnMinimize:= NIL; inherited; end; procedure TMiniForm.WMSIZE (VAR msg: TWMSIZE); // catch the WM_SIZE message to know what happend var status: TMiniState; begin if msg.SizeType = integer (wsMinimized) THEN BEGIN IF Assigned (FOnMinimize) then begin status:= tmWindow; // Default action FOnMinimize (self, status); case status OF tmNone: // Tell windows to restore the window immedately PostMessage(Handle, WM_SYSCOMMAND, SC_RESTORE, 0); tmWindow: ; // All is done by windows and Delphi tmAll: // Minimize all windows of the app begin // Store the OnRestore event FOnRestore:= Application.OnRestore; // Replace it with own handler Application.OnRestore:= WinRestore; // Minimize all Application.Minimize; end; end; end; end; inherited; // Call other hanlder of WMSIZE event end; procedure TMiniForm.WinRestore (Sender: TObject); // handles restoring of the windows begin // made Window normal WindowState:= wsNormal; // Restore other Windows of the app Application.Restore; // Restore the old Restore handler Application.OnRestore:= FOnRestore; // Call the restore handler IF Assigned (FOnRestore) then FOnRestore (sender); end; end.