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A component to prevent your form to be placed out of visible area

Title: A component to prevent your form to be placed out of visible area. Question: Just put this component on your form and set as active and your form will not be moved out of screen visible area. Answer: Unit ScreenSnap; Interface Uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, ShellAPI; Type TNoOutScreen = Class( TComponent ) Private OldWndProc : Pointer; NewWndProc : Pointer; FDistance : Integer; Procedure NewWndMethod( Var Msg : TMessage ); Public Constructor Create( AOwner : TComponent ); OverRide; Destructor Destroy; OverRide; Published Property Distance : Integer Read FDistance Write FDistance Default 30; End; Procedure Register; Implementation Constructor TNoOutScreen.Create( AOwner : TComponent ); Begin Inherited; If ( Not( csDesigning In ComponentState ) ) Then Begin NewWndProc := MakeObjectInstance( NewWndMethod ); OldWndProc := Pointer( SetWindowLong( TForm( Owner ).Handle, gwl_WndProc, LongInt( NewWndProc ) ) ); End Else Begin NewWndProc := NIL; OldWndProc := NIL; End; FDistance := 30; End; Destructor TNoOutScreen.Destroy; Begin If ( Assigned( NewWndProc ) ) Then FreeObjectInstance( NewWndProc ); Inherited; End; Procedure TNoOutScreen.NewWndMethod( Var Msg : TMessage ); Var Pabd : APPBARDATA; ScreenWidth : Integer; ScreenHeight : Integer; ScreenRect : TRect; TaskBarRect : TRect; Begin If ( Msg.Msg = WM_EXITSIZEMOVE ) Then Begin Pabd.cbSize := SizeOf( APPBARDATA ); SHAppBarMessage( ABM_GETTASKBARPOS, Pabd ); ScreenWidth := GetSystemMetrics( SM_CXSCREEN ); ScreenHeight := GetSystemMetrics( SM_CYSCREEN ); ScreenRect := Rect( 0, 0, ScreenWidth, ScreenHeight ); TaskBarRect := Pabd.rc; If ( ( TaskBarRect.Left = -2 ) And ( TaskBarRect.Bottom = ( ScreenHeight + 2 ) ) And ( TaskBarRect.Right = ( ScreenWidth + 2 ) ) ) Then ScreenRect.Bottom := TaskBarRect.Top Else If ( ( TaskBarRect.Top = -2 ) And ( TaskBarRect.Left = -2 ) And ( TaskBarRect.Right = ( ScreenWidth + 2 ) ) ) Then ScreenRect.Top := TaskBarRect.Bottom Else If ( ( TaskBarRect.Left = -2 ) And ( TaskBarRect.Top = -2 ) And ( TaskBarRect.Bottom = ( ScreenHeight + 2 ) ) ) Then ScreenRect.Left := TaskBarRect.Right Else If ( ( TaskBarRect.Right = ( ScreenWidth + 2 ) ) And ( TaskBarRect.Top = -2 ) And ( TaskBarRect.Bottom = ( ScreenHeight + 2 ) ) ) Then ScreenRect.Right := TaskBarRect.Left; If ( TForm( Owner ).Left If ( TForm( Owner ).Top If ( ( TForm( Owner ).Left + TForm( Owner ).Width ) ( ScreenRect.Right - FDistance ) ) Then TForm( Owner ).Left := ScreenRect.Right - TForm( Owner ).Width; If ( ( TForm( Owner ).Top + TForm( Owner ).Height ) ( ScreenRect.Bottom - FDistance ) ) Then TForm( Owner ).Top := ScreenRect.Bottom - TForm( Owner ).Height; End; Msg.Result := CallWindowProc( OldWndProc, TForm( Owner ).Handle, Msg.Msg, Msg.WParam, Msg.LParam ); End; Procedure Register; Begin RegisterComponents( 'Christian', [ TNoOutScreen ] ); End; End.