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A component to make transparent forms

Title: A component to make transparent forms. Question: How can we create a transparent form around certain components and images? Answer: The code below is for a component that can create transparent forms using either bitmaps or controls, or both. There are two ways of telling the component what you want used as a mask: the Tag setting (TransTag) or a Component list where you just insert the component name as a new line of text. There is even an event to follow the progress of the process, when it is long. For the images there is a Mask Color property, that is the color that will be transparent. Use the Execute method to make the transparent form. When there aren't a lot of images, the process is quite fast and you can use it to create even animation effects on your desktop. NOTE: for the creation of the Mask from images the component takes into account the TImage component. unit TransMake; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs,ExtCtrls; type TProcessEvent=procedure(progress:longint) of object; TBy =(TBTag,TBComponentList); TTransMake = class(TComponent) private { Private declarations } ITransTag:integer; ImageTrans:Boolean; ColorMask:TColor; region:hrgn; TransByV:TBy; ComponentListV:TStrings; fullitems:LongInt; FOnProgress:TProcessEvent; procedure DrawTransparent; procedure ComponentListWrite(value:TStrings); procedure SetTransBy(value:TBy); protected { Protected declarations } procedure DoOnProgress(progress:longint);dynamic; public { Publc declarations } Procedure Execute; Constructor Create(AOwner:TComponent);override; published { Published declarations } Property TransTag:Integer read ITransTag write ITransTag; Property ImageRegion:boolean read ImageTrans write ImageTrans; property MaskColor:TColor read ColorMask write ColorMask; property TransBy:TBy read TransByV write SetTransBy default TBTag; property ComponentList:TStrings read ComponentListV write ComponentListWrite; property OnProgress:TProcessEvent read FOnProgress write FOnProgress; end; procedure Register; implementation procedure TTransMake.DoOnProgress(progress:longint); begin if assigned(FonProgress) then TProcessEvent(FonProgress)(progress); end; procedure TTransMake.SetTransBy(Value:TBy); begin TransByV := Value; end; procedure TTransMake.ComponentListWrite(Value:TStrings); begin ComponentListV.Assign(value); end; constructor TTransMake.Create(AOwner:TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); ComponentListV:=TStringList.Create; ComponentListV.Add('Place your component names here.'); FullItems:=0; end; procedure TTransMake.DrawTransparent; var OForm:TForm; i,o,x,y,rx,ry:integer; tr:Trect; tregion,imgregion:Hrgn; proceed:boolean; TempBitmap: TBitmap; Rgn1, Rgn2: HRgn; Col, StartCol, Row,test: integer; Line: PByteArray; doing,perc:integer; begin OForm:=TForm(owner); region:=0; imgregion:=0; rgn1:=0; fullitems:=0; doing:=0; perc:=0; region:=createRectRgn(0,0,0,0); rgn1:=createRectRgn(0,0,0,0); OForm.visible:=false; OForm.BorderStyle:=bsNone; for i:=0 to OForm.ComponentCount-1 do begin if TransBy=TBTag then if (OForm.Components[i]).tag=TransTag then begin proceed:=true; fullitems:=fullitems+1; end; if TransBy=TBComponentList then begin if componentlistV.Count0 then for o:=0 to componentlistv.Count-1 do begin if (Uppercase((OForm.Components[i]).name)=uppercase(componentlistv.Strings[o])) then begin fullitems:=fullitems+1; end; end; end; end; for i:=0 to OForm.ComponentCount-1 do begin proceed:=false; if TransBy=TBTag then if (OForm.Components[i]).tag=TransTag then begin proceed:=true; end; if TransBy=TBComponentList then begin if componentlistV.Count0 then for o:=0 to componentlistv.Count-1 do begin if (Uppercase((OForm.Components[i]).name)=uppercase(componentlistv.Strings[o])) then begin proceed:=true; end; end; end; if proceed then begin if TControl(OForm.components[i]).visible then begin if (OForm.components[i] is TImage) and ImageRegion then begin with TImage(OForm.components[i]).picture.bitmap do begin for Row := 0 to TImage(OForm.components[i]).picture.bitmap.height-1 do begin Col := 0; while Col begin while (Col if Col = TImage(OForm.components[i]).picture.bitmap.Width then Continue; StartCol := Col; while (Col ColorMask) do inc(Col); if Col = TImage(OForm.components[i]).picture.bitmap.Width then Col := TImage(OForm.components[i]).picture.bitmap.Width; if Rgn1 = 0 then Rgn1 := CreateRectRgn(TImage(OForm.components[i]).left+StartCol, TImage(OForm.components[i]).top+Row, TImage(OForm.components[i]).left+Col, TImage(OForm.components[i]).top+Row + 1) else begin Rgn2 := CreateRectRgn(TImage(OForm.components[i]).left+StartCol, TImage(OForm.components[i]).top+Row, TImage(OForm.components[i]).left+Col, TImage(OForm.components[i]).top+Row + 1); if (Rgn2 0) then CombineRgn(Rgn1,Rgn1,Rgn2,RGN_OR); Deleteobject(Rgn2); end; end; end; end; doing:=doing+1; perc:=round(100*(doing/fullitems)); DoOnProgress(perc); combinergn(region,region,rgn1,rgn_or); rgn1:=0; end else begin tr:=TControl(OForm.components[i]).BoundsRect; tr.left:=tr.left; tr.Top:=tr.Top; tr.Right:=tr.Right; tr.Bottom:=tr.Bottom; if region=0 then region:=createRectRgn(tr.Left,tr.Top,tr.Right,tr.Bottom) else begin tregion:=createRectRgn(tr.Left,tr.Top,tr.Right,tr.Bottom); doing:=doing+1; perc:=round(100*(doing/fullitems)); DoOnProgress(perc); combinergn(region,region,tregion,rgn_or); deleteObject(tregion); end; end; end; end; end; setwindowrgn(OForm.handle,region,true); OForm.visible:=true; end; Procedure TTransMake.Execute; begin DrawTransparent; end; procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('VNPVcls', [TTransMake]); end; end.