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Word count in richedit

>Does anyone know how to carry out a word count for the delphi richedit >component ?? Someone posted this a few weeks ago.. I tried it and it seems to work. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function GetWord: boolean; var s: string; {presume no word>255 chars} c: char; begin result:= false; s:= ' '; while not eof(f) do begin read(f, c); if not (c in ['a'..'z','A'..'Z'{,... etcetera}]) then break; s:=s+c; end; result:= (s<>' '); end; procedure GetWordCount(TextFile: string); begin Count:= 0; assignfile(f, TextFile); reset(f); while not eof(f) do if GetWord then inc(Count); closefile(f); end;