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procedure TForm1.CharMapButtonClick(Sender: TObject); {with one line call up the (home-made) character map application...} var returnValue: Integer; begin returnValue := WinExec('MyCharMap', SW_SHOWNORMAL); {note that Delphi will understand the constants below in place of the numeric values they represent even though WE have not defined them anywhere...} case returnValue of 0: Application.MessageBox('The system is out of memory or resources', 'Out Of Memory', mb_OK); ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND: Application.MessageBox('Cannot run MyCharMap. MyCharMap.exe is not in the current directory, as it should be', 'No EXE File', mb_OK); ERROR_BAD_FORMAT: Application.MessageBox('MyCharMap.exe is corrupt or invalid', 'Improper Exe File', mb_OK); end; {note that if the value returned from WinExec() is higher than 31, then all is well, but just handling the above errors should be sufficient...} end; at risk of repeating oneself... {IF we wanted to run the character map application as an 'external' .exe file then this is what we would do... with one line call up the (home-made) character map application... note that Delphi will understand the constants below in place of the numeric values they represent even though WE have not defined them anywhere... note that if the value returned from WinExec() is higher than 31, then all is well, but just handling the above errors should be sufficient... var returnValue: Integer; begin returnValue := WinExec('MyChMap.exe', SW_SHOWNORMAL); case returnValue of 0: Application.MessageBox('The system is out of memory or resources', 'Out Of Memory', mb_OK); ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND: Application.MessageBox('Cannot run MyCharMap. MyCharMap.exe is not in the current directory, as it should be', 'No EXE File', mb_OK); ERROR_BAD_FORMAT: Application.MessageBox('MyCharMap.exe is corrupt or invalid', 'Improper Exe File', mb_OK); end;} OR USING SHELL EXECUTE: procedure TMainForm.ModulesMenuAppointmentsClick(Sender: TObject); var theHandle: HWND; modulesPath: String; newExeFileName: String; begin modulesPath := exeFilePath + '\Modules\'; newExeFileName := modulesPath + 'Appointments.exe'; theHandle := ProcessExecuteAsync(PChar(newExeFileName), SW_SHOW); ShellExecute(theHandle, 'open', PChar(newExeFileName), '', '', sw_ShowNormal); if theHandle <> 0 then TerminateProcess(theHandle, 0); end; function TMainForm.ProcessExecuteAsync(CommandLine: String; cShow: Word): HWND; {a safer method of running exe's than using WinExec (which is discouraged)- this function is called every time we use ShellExecute elsewhere...} var rslt: LongBool; StartupInfo: TStartUpInfo; ProcessInfo: TProcessInformation; Saved_Cursor: TCursor; begin result := 0; Saved_Cursor := Screen.Cursor; Screen.Cursor := crHourGlass; try FillChar(StartupInfo, SizeOf(TStartupInfo),0); with StartupInfo do begin cb := SizeOf(TStartupInfo); dwFlags := STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW; wShowWindow := cShow; end; rslt := CreateProcess(nil,PChar(CommandLine),nil,nil,False, NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS or DETACHED_PROCESS, nil, nil, StartupInfo, ProcessInfo); if rslt then with ProcessInfo do begin result := hProcess; // this is the processes handle end; finally {wrap up} Screen.Cursor := Saved_Cursor; end; end; ************************************************************* From: "Nikolay Simeonov" <> To: <> Subject: Re: Executing a command Date sent: Fri, 16 Apr 1999 22:56:00 +0200 Send reply to: >From the Delphi Help: The WinExec function runs the specified application. This function is provided for compatibility with earlier versions of Windows. For Win32-based applications, use the CreateProcess function. (however this looks much simpler to use) UINT WinExec( LPCSTR lpCmdLine, // address of command line UINT uCmdShow // window style for new application ); One more from my toolbox, that certainly works: function ExecAndWait(const Filename, Params: string; WindowState: word): boolean; var SUInfo: TStartupInfo; ProcInfo: TProcessInformation; CmdLine: string; begin // Enclose filename in quotes to take care of long // filenames with spaces. CmdLine := '"' + Filename + '" ' + Params; FillChar(SUInfo, SizeOf(SUInfo), #0); with SUInfo do begin cb := SizeOf(SUInfo); dwFlags := STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW; wShowWindow := WindowState; end; Result := CreateProcess(NIL, PChar(CmdLine), NIL, NIL, FALSE, CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE or NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS, NIL, PChar(ExtractFilePath(Filename)), SUInfo, ProcInfo); // Wait for it to finish. if Result then repeat Application.ProcessMessages; until WaitForSingleObject(ProcInfo.hProcess, 250) <> WAIT_TIMEOUT; end; HTH, Nikolay ----- Original Message ----- From: Jager, Andre <> To: <> Sent: 16 April 1999 16:37 Subject: Executing a command I want to run a command from within a Delphi program. It doesn't work. Operating system returns file not found or path not found error. Who has an idea. I want to delete a file and run the following procedure: RunProgram ( 'cmd.exe', '/C c:\test.txt' ); >>> procedure RunProgram ( sProgramName, sCommandLine : string ); var FStartupInfo: TStartupInfo; FProcessInfo: TProcessInformation; begin Windows.ZeroMemory ( @FStartupInfo, sizeof (TStartupInfo)); Windows.ZeroMemory ( @FProcessInfo, sizeof (TProcessInformation)); FStartupInfo.cb := sizeof(TStartupInfo); Win32Check ( windows.CreateProcess ( pChar ( sProgramName ), pChar ( sCommandLine ), nil, nil, false, 0, nil, nil, FStartupInfo, FProcessInfo ) ); end; <<< Andr_ Jager