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Windows services - starting and stopping

When installing certain types of programs it maybe necessary to restart related services to avoid conflicts. Regardless of the reason why you need to control services, following functions can help you with starting and stopping services running on the local computer or on a remote machine. uses WinSvc; // // start service // // return TRUE if successful // // sMachine: // machine name, ie: \SERVER // empty = local machine // // sService // service name, ie: Alerter // function ServiceStart( sMachine, sService : string ) : boolean; var // // service control // manager handle schm, // // service handle schs : SC_Handle; // // service status ss : TServiceStatus; // // temp char pointer psTemp : PChar; // // check point dwChkP : DWord; begin ss.dwCurrentState := -1; // connect to the service // control manager schm := OpenSCManager( PChar(sMachine), Nil, SC_MANAGER_CONNECT); // if successful... if(schm > 0)then begin // open a handle to // the specified service schs := OpenService( schm, PChar(sService), // we want to // start the service and SERVICE_START or // query service status SERVICE_QUERY_STATUS); // if successful... if(schs > 0)then begin psTemp := Nil; if(StartService( schs, 0, psTemp))then begin // check status if(QueryServiceStatus( schs, ss))then begin while(SERVICE_RUNNING <> ss.dwCurrentState)do begin // // dwCheckPoint contains a // value that the service // increments periodically // to report its progress // during a lengthy // operation. // // save current value // dwChkP := ss.dwCheckPoint; // // wait a bit before // checking status again // // dwWaitHint is the // estimated amount of time // the calling program // should wait before calling // QueryServiceStatus() again // // idle events should be // handled here... // Sleep(ss.dwWaitHint); if(not QueryServiceStatus( schs, ss))then begin // couldn't check status // break from the loop break; end; if(ss.dwCheckPoint < dwChkP)then begin // QueryServiceStatus // didn't increment // dwCheckPoint as it // should have. // avoid an infinite // loop by breaking break; end; end; end; end; // close service handle CloseServiceHandle(schs); end; // close service control // manager handle CloseServiceHandle(schm); end; // return TRUE if // the service status is running Result := SERVICE_RUNNING = ss.dwCurrentState; end; The procedure to stop a service is similar to starting a service, except for calling "ControlService()" Win32 function instead of "StartService()", checking for SERVICE_STOPPED rather than SERVICE_RUNNING and using appropriate control codes. // // stop service // // return TRUE if successful // // sMachine: // machine name, ie: \SERVER // empty = local machine // // sService // service name, ie: Alerter // function ServiceStop( sMachine, sService : string ) : boolean; var // // service control // manager handle schm, // // service handle schs : SC_Handle; // // service status ss : TServiceStatus; // // check point dwChkP : DWord; begin // connect to the service // control manager schm := OpenSCManager( PChar(sMachine), Nil, SC_MANAGER_CONNECT); // if successful... if(schm > 0)then begin // open a handle to // the specified service schs := OpenService( schm, PChar(sService), // we want to // stop the service and SERVICE_STOP or // query service status SERVICE_QUERY_STATUS); // if successful... if(schs > 0)then begin if(ControlService( schs, SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP, ss))then begin // check status if(QueryServiceStatus( schs, ss))then begin while(SERVICE_STOPPED <> ss.dwCurrentState)do begin // // dwCheckPoint contains a // value that the service // increments periodically // to report its progress // during a lengthy // operation. // // save current value // dwChkP := ss.dwCheckPoint; // // wait a bit before // checking status again // // dwWaitHint is the // estimated amount of time // the calling program // should wait before calling // QueryServiceStatus() again // // idle events should be // handled here... // Sleep(ss.dwWaitHint); if(not QueryServiceStatus( schs, ss))then begin // couldn't check status // break from the loop break; end; if(ss.dwCheckPoint < dwChkP)then begin // QueryServiceStatus // didn't increment // dwCheckPoint as it // should have. // avoid an infinite // loop by breaking break; end; end; end; end; // close service handle CloseServiceHandle(schs); end; // close service control // manager handle CloseServiceHandle(schm); end; // return TRUE if // the service status is stopped Result := SERVICE_STOPPED = ss.dwCurrentState; end; Example usage: if( ServiceStart( '\ComputerName', 'alerter' ) )then begin // "alerter" service on \ComputerName // was started // take appropriate action here end; // stop "alerter" service // running on the local // computer if( ServiceStop( '', 'alerter' ) )then begin end;