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Windows directory

> I have searched all my Tip collections etc. and not found an answer for a > very simple question: how can I find out the Windows directory from Delphi1/2? Here's code for Delphi 2.x: (don't know about delphi 1.x) Function WindowsPath:String; {returns the directory of C:\WINDOWS\ on the current machine} var d:integer; begin setlength(result,500); d:=getwindowsdirectory(pchar(result),500); setlength(result,d); result:=fixpath(result,result); end; ************************************* Keith Anderson ************************************* < from : Igor Ilutkin, More about Windows directory function TMainFM.GetWinDir: string; var wd: PChar; begin wd := StrAlloc(256); GetWindowsDirectory(wd, 255); GetWinDir := StrPas(wd) + '\'; end; function TMainFM.GetRunDir: string; begin GetRunDir := ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0)); end;