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Windows api about printer

>> I want to obtain the values (left, right, top, bottom) of "unprintable area" from the printer. In August Delphi Developer "Take Control of your printer with a custom Delphi Class": To get the Left and Top Printer Margins use the Windows Escape Function with the parameter GETPRINTINGOFFSET. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- var pntMargins : TPoint; begin { @ means " the address of the variable" } Escape(Printer.Handle, GETPRINTINGOFFSET,0,nil,@prntMargins); end; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Getting the Right and Bottom Margins aren't quite so straightforward. There isn't an equivalent Escape call. You obtain these values by getting the physical width (physWidth) and height (physHeight) of the page, the printable width (PrintWidth) and height (PrintHeight) of the page, and then carrying out the following sums: RightMargin := physWidth - PrintWidth - LeftMargin BottomMargin := physHeight - PrintHeight - TopMargin The physical page size is found using Escape, this time with the GETPHYSPAGESIZE parameter. The point pntPageSize contains the page width in pntPageSize.x and page height in pntPageSize.y -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- var pntPageSize : TPoint; begin Escape(Printer.Handle, GETPHYSPAGESIZE,o,nil,@pntPageSize); end;