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Win95 registry calls

Hi > Well i am a very simple programmer, don't know much at the moment, but > what i want is information on how to change a value in the Win95 system > registry by clicking on a button. For example, how do i change the filename > if the background in 95, by clicking on a button. In the button's OnClick event, and don't forget 'Registry' in your "uses" clause; VAR Reg : TRegistry KeyName : string; Background : string; Begin KeyName := '\Control Panel\Desktop' Reg := TRegistry.Create; Reg.RootKey := HKEY_CURRENT_USER; Reg.OpenKey(KeyName,false); {this finds the current name} Background := Reg.ReadString('Wallpaper'); {this writes a new one} Reg.WriteString('Wallpaper',Background); Reg.CloseKey; Reg.Free; End;