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Win95 pagesetupdlg common dialog api fun

{-----------------------------------------------------------------------------} { A component to wrap the Win95 PageSetupDlg common dialog API function. } { Borland seems to have forgotten this new common dialog in Delphi 2.0. } { Copyright 1996, Brad Stowers. All Rights Reserved. } { This component can be freely used and distributed in commercial and private } { environments, provided this notice is not modified in any way and there is } { no charge for it other than nominal handling fees. Contact me directly for } { modifications to this agreement. } {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------} { Feel free to contact me if you have any questions, comments or suggestions } { at or 72733,3374 on CompuServe. } { The lateset version will always be available on the web at: } { } {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------} { Date last modified: 08/27/96 } {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------} { ----------------------------------------------------------------------------} { TPageSetupDialog v1.00 } { ----------------------------------------------------------------------------} { Description: } { A component to wrap the PageSetupDlg API function that Borland forgot. } { It is a common dialog available on the Win95 platform, so it can not be } { used with Delphi 1.0. } { ----------------------------------------------------------------------------} { Revision History: } { 1.00: + Initial release. } { ----------------------------------------------------------------------------} unit PgSetup; { DCR file for this unit is below !! } interface {$IFNDEF WIN32} ERROR! This unit only available for Delphi 2.0!!! {$ENDIF} uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, CommDlg, DsgnIntf; type TPageSetupOption = ( poDefaultMinMargins, poDisableMargins, poDisableOrientation, poDisablePagePainting, poDisablePaper, poDisablePrinter, poNoWarning, poShowHelp ); TPageSetupOptions = set of TPageSetupOption; TPSPaperType = (ptPaper, ptEnvelope); TPSPaperOrientation = (poPortrait, poLandscape); TPSPrinterType = (ptDotMatrix, ptHPPCL); TPSPaintWhat = (pwFullPage, pwMinimumMargins, pwMargins, pwGreekText, pwEnvStamp, pwYAFullPage); TPSMeasurements = (pmMillimeters, pmInches); TPSPrinterEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; Wnd: HWND) of object; { PPSDlgData is simply redeclared as PPageSetupDlg (COMMDLG.PAS) to prevent compile } { errors in units that have this event. They won't compile unless you add CommDlg } { to their units. This circumvents the problem. } PPSDlgData = ^TPSDlgData; TPSDlgData = TPageSetupDlg; { PaperSize: See DEVMODE help topic, dmPaperSize member. DMPAPER_* constants. } TPSInitPaintPageEvent = function(Sender: TObject; PaperSize: short; PaperType: TPSPaperType; PaperOrientation: TPSPaperOrientation; PrinterType: TPSPrinterType; pSetupData: PPSDlgData): boolean of object; TPSPaintPageEvent = function(Sender: TObject; PaintWhat: TPSPaintWhat; Canvas: TCanvas; Rect: TRect): boolean of object; TPageSetupDialog = class(TCommonDialog) private FOptions: TPageSetupOptions; FCustomData: LPARAM; FPaperSize: TPoint; FMinimumMargins: TRect; FMargins: TRect; FMeasurements: TPSMeasurements; FOnPrinter: TPSPrinterEvent; FOnInitPaintPage: TPSInitPaintPageEvent; FOnPaintPage: TPSPaintPageEvent; function DoPrinter(Wnd: HWND): boolean; function DoExecute(Func: pointer): boolean; protected function Printer(Wnd: HWND): boolean; virtual; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; function Execute: boolean; virtual; { It is the user's responsibility to clean up this pointer if necessary. } property CustomData: LPARAM read FCustomData write FCustomData; { These should be published, but need Property Editors for TPoint and TRect. As } { best I can tell, there is no way to do that, since they need RTTI, and that is } { not available for record types. Bummer. } { Also, all of these rects return sizes that need to be divided by 1000. For } { example, PaperSize.X would be 8500 for 8.5 inch paper. Maybe I should make a } { TSingleRect and TSinglePoint and return the actual single value, but the API } { returns them to me that way, and I'm lazy by default. :) } property PaperSize: TPoint read FPaperSize write FPaperSize; property MinimumMargins: TRect read FMinimumMargins write FMinimumMargins; property Margins: TRect read FMargins write FMargins; published property Options: TPageSetupOptions read FOptions write FOptions default [poDefaultMinMargins, poShowHelp]; property Measurements: TPSMeasurements read FMeasurements write FMeasurements default pmInches; { Events } property OnPrinter: TPSPrinterEvent read FOnPrinter write FOnPrinter; property OnInitPaintPage: TPSInitPaintPageEvent read FOnInitPaintPage write FOnInitPaintPage; property OnPaintPage: TPSPaintPageEvent read FOnPaintPage write FOnPaintPage; end; procedure Register; implementation uses Printers; const IDPRINTERBTN = $0402; { Private globals } var HelpMsg: Integer; HookCtl3D: boolean; { Center the given window on the screen } procedure CenterWindow(Wnd: HWnd); var Rect: TRect; begin GetWindowRect(Wnd, Rect); SetWindowPos(Wnd, 0, (GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN) - Rect.Right + Rect.Left) div 2, (GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN) - Rect.Bottom + Rect.Top) div 3, 0, 0, SWP_NOACTIVATE or SWP_NOSIZE or SWP_NOZORDER); end; { Generic dialog hook. Centers the dialog on the screen in response to the WM_INITDIALOG message } function DialogHook(Wnd: HWnd; Msg: UINT; WParam: WPARAM; LParam: LPARAM): UINT; stdcall; begin Result := 0; case Msg of WM_INITDIALOG: begin if HookCtl3D then begin Subclass3DDlg(Wnd, CTL3D_ALL); SetAutoSubClass(True); end; CenterWindow(Wnd); Result := 1; end; WM_DESTROY: if HookCtl3D then SetAutoSubClass(False); end; end; var PageSetupDialog: TPageSetupDialog; function PageSetupDialogHook(Wnd: HWnd; Msg: UINT; WParam: WPARAM; LParam: LPARAM): UINT; stdcall; const PagePaintWhat: array[WM_PSD_FULLPAGERECT.. WM_PSD_YAFULLPAGERECT] of TPSPaintWhat = ( pwFullPage, pwMinimumMargins, pwMargins, pwGreekText, pwEnvStamp, pwYAFullPage ); PRINTER_MASK = $00000002; ORIENT_MASK = $00000004; PAPER_MASK = $00000008; var PaperData: word; Paper: TPSPaperType; Orient: TPSPaperOrientation; Printer: TPSPrinterType; PaintRect: TRect; PaintCanvas: TCanvas; begin if (Msg = WM_COMMAND) and (LongRec(WParam).Lo = IDPRINTERBTN) and (LongRec(WParam).Hi = BN_CLICKED) then begin // if hander is assigned, use it. If not, let system do it. Result := ord(PageSetupDialog.DoPrinter(Wnd)); end else begin if assigned(PageSetupDialog.FOnInitPaintPage) and assigned(PageSetupDialog.FOnPaintPage) then begin case Msg of WM_PSD_PAGESETUPDLG: begin PaperData := HiWord(WParam); if (PaperData AND PAPER_MASK > 0) then Paper := ptEnvelope else Paper := ptPaper; if (PaperData AND ORIENT_MASK > 0) then Orient := poPortrait else Orient := poLandscape; if (PaperData AND PAPER_MASK > 0) then Printer := ptHPPCL else Printer := ptDotMatrix; Result := Ord(PageSetupDialog.FOnInitPaintPage(PageSetupDialog, LoWord(WParam), Paper, Orient, Printer, PPSDlgData(LParam))); end; WM_PSD_FULLPAGERECT, WM_PSD_MINMARGINRECT, WM_PSD_MARGINRECT, WM_PSD_GREEKTEXTRECT, WM_PSD_ENVSTAMPRECT, WM_PSD_YAFULLPAGERECT: begin if LParam <> 0 then PaintRect := PRect(LParam)^ else PaintRect := Rect(0,0,0,0); PaintCanvas := TCanvas.Create; PaintCanvas.Handle := HDC(WParam); try Result := Ord(PageSetupDialog.FOnPaintPage(PageSetupDialog, PagePaintWhat[Msg], PaintCanvas, PaintRect)); finally PaintCanvas.Free; { This better not be deleting the DC! } end; end; else Result := DialogHook(Wnd, Msg, wParam, lParam); end; end else Result := DialogHook(Wnd, Msg, wParam, lParam); end; end; constructor TPageSetupDialog.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); FOptions := [poDefaultMinMargins, poShowHelp]; FOnPrinter := NIL; FOnInitPaintPage := NIL; FOnPaintPage := NIL; FCustomData := 0; FPaperSize := Point(0,0); FMinimumMargins := Rect(0,0,0,0); FMargins := Rect(1000,1000,1000,1000); FMeasurements := pmInches; end; destructor TPageSetupDialog.Destroy; begin inherited Destroy; end; procedure GetPrinter(var DeviceMode, DeviceNames: THandle); var Device, Driver, Port: array[0..79] of char; DevNames: PDevNames; Offset: PChar; begin Printer.GetPrinter(Device, Driver, Port, DeviceMode); if DeviceMode <> 0 then begin DeviceNames := GlobalAlloc(GHND, SizeOf(TDevNames) + StrLen(Device) + StrLen(Driver) + StrLen(Port) + 3); DevNames := PDevNames(GlobalLock(DeviceNames)); try Offset := PChar(DevNames) + SizeOf(TDevnames); with DevNames^ do begin wDriverOffset := Longint(Offset) - Longint(DevNames); Offset := StrECopy(Offset, Driver) + 1; wDeviceOffset := Longint(Offset) - Longint(DevNames); Offset := StrECopy(Offset, Device) + 1; wOutputOffset := Longint(Offset) - Longint(DevNames);; StrCopy(Offset, Port); end; finally GlobalUnlock(DeviceNames); end; end; end; procedure SetPrinter(DeviceMode, DeviceNames: THandle); var DevNames: PDevNames; begin DevNames := PDevNames(GlobalLock(DeviceNames)); try with DevNames^ do Printer.SetPrinter(PChar(DevNames) + wDeviceOffset, PChar(DevNames) + wDriverOffset, PChar(DevNames) + wOutputOffset, DeviceMode); finally GlobalUnlock(DeviceNames); GlobalFree(DeviceNames); end; end; function CopyData(Handle: THandle): THandle; var Src, Dest: PChar; Size: Integer; begin if Handle <> 0 then begin Size := GlobalSize(Handle); Result := GlobalAlloc(GHND, Size); if Result <> 0 then try Src := GlobalLock(Handle); Dest := GlobalLock(Result); if (Src <> nil) and (Dest <> nil) then Move(Src^, Dest^, Size); finally GlobalUnlock(Handle); GlobalUnlock(Result); end end else Result := 0; end; function TPageSetupDialog.DoExecute(Func: pointer): boolean; const PageSetupOptions: array [TPageSetupOption] of DWORD = ( PSD_DEFAULTMINMARGINS, PSD_DISABLEMARGINS, PSD_DISABLEORIENTATION, PSD_DISABLEPAGEPAINTING, PSD_DISABLEPAPER, PSD_DISABLEPRINTER, PSD_NOWARNING, PSD_SHOWHELP ); PageSetupMeasurements: array [TPSMeasurements] of DWORD = ( PSD_INHUNDREDTHSOFMILLIMETERS, PSD_INTHOUSANDTHSOFINCHES ); var Option: TPageSetupOption; PageSetup: TPageSetupDlg; SavePageSetupDialog: TPageSetupDialog; DevHandle: THandle; begin FillChar(PageSetup, SizeOf(PageSetup), 0); with PageSetup do try lStructSize := SizeOf(TPageSetupDlg); hInstance := System.HInstance; Flags := PSD_MARGINS; if assigned(FOnPrinter) or assigned(FOnInitPaintPage) or assigned(FOnPaintPage) then begin Flags := Flags or PSD_ENABLEPAGESETUPHOOK; lpfnPageSetupHook := PageSetupDialogHook; end; for Option := Low(Option) to High(Option) do if Option in FOptions then Flags := Flags OR PageSetupOptions[Option]; Flags := Flags OR PageSetupMeasurements[FMeasurements]; { if not assigned(FOnPrinter) then Flags := Flags OR PSD_DISABLEPRINTER;} if assigned(FOnInitPaintPage) and assigned(FOnPaintPage) then begin Flags := Flags OR PSD_ENABLEPAGEPAINTHOOK; lpfnPagePaintHook := PageSetupDialogHook; end; hWndOwner := Application.Handle; GetPrinter(DevHandle, hDevNames); hDevMode := CopyData(DevHandle); HookCtl3D := Ctl3D; lCustData := FCustomData; ptPaperSize := FPaperSize; rtMinMargin := FMinimumMargins; rtMargin := FMargins; SavePageSetupDialog := PageSetupDialog; PageSetupDialog := Self; Result := TaskModalDialog(Func, PageSetup); PageSetupDialog := SavePageSetupDialog; if Result then begin FPaperSize := ptPaperSize; FMinimumMargins := rtMinMargin; FMargins := rtMargin; SetPrinter(hDevMode, hDevNames); end else begin if hDevMode <> 0 then GlobalFree(hDevMode); if hDevNames <> 0 then GlobalFree(hDevNames); end; finally { Nothing yet } end; end; function TPageSetupDialog.Execute: boolean; begin Result := DoExecute(@PageSetupDlg); end; function TPageSetupDialog.Printer(Wnd: HWND): boolean; begin Result := assigned(FOnPrinter); if Result then FOnPrinter(Self, Wnd); end; function TPageSetupDialog.DoPrinter(Wnd: HWND): boolean; begin try Result := Printer(Wnd); except Result := FALSE; Application.HandleException(Self); end; end; procedure Register; begin { You may prefer it on the Dialogs page, I like it on Win95 because it is } { only available on Win95. } RegisterComponents('Win95', [TPageSetupDialog]); end; { Initialization and cleanup } procedure InitGlobals; begin HelpMsg := RegisterWindowMessage(HelpMsgString); end; initialization InitGlobals; finalization { Nothing } end.