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Why TFrames

Title: Why TFrames Question: First a little background on Delphi and life in general. If I could change one thing regarding Delphi it would be the way Borland was promoting D1. I like many others programmers (or creators as I prefer to call myself) came from some other language (I came from VB for the GUI with powerful DLLs created in C or C++. The DLLs make VBs GUI work). One thing most of us had in command was that we continued the sequential programming and was not forced into Objected Oriented programming. I which Borland would have educated me (read forced me) to use OO Answer: First a little background on Delphi and life in general. If I could change one thing regarding Delphi it would be the way Borland was promoting D1. I like many others programmers (or creators as I prefer to call myself) came from some other language (I came from VB for the GUI with powerful DLLs created in C or C++. The DLLs make VBs GUI work). One thing most of us had in command was that we continued the sequential programming and was not forced into Objected Oriented programming. I which Borland would have educated me (read forced me) to use OO. Some of us started on creating Components, but over the years I have seen good creators missing the boat regarding Components. Why? Maybe due to lack of education and understanding of Components and its power in OO and RAD programming. Guys TFrames are here do not miss the boat! TFrames are like Components (you can place them on the Component Pallet) but are not difficult to create and understand. I will predict that we will see a new business of creating and selling TFrames. From now on start thinking in TFrames when you create a new application. Most likely you start and application with a TForm. On the Form you will place a couple of Containers (TPanel, TPageControl, TToolBar, TCoolBar, TStatusBar, TListBox, TMemo or others that segments the GUI). Inside the Container you will place Components. When you look back on some of your last couple of projects or more important across your new project you will see that look and feel is being repeated. This is where TFrames will help you in: Create once, uses many times RAD. Save resources at run-time. Some of the things that I have created with TFrames are: Advertisement banner for using internal and external banners in an application. Outlook Icon Tool Panel (the one you see on the left side of Outlook). Business Rules Engine, that can be placed on a TPageControl. General Setup Dialog, that also can be placed on a TPageControl. If you have any questions, samples, ideas, or other things regarding TFrames please email them to me Next email will include a small tutorial on how2. For more information on TFrames see: Delphi Informant Magazine December 199, Volume 5 Number 12 C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi5\Demos\Frames\Db\framesdemo.dpr Frames Live Chat November 4, 1999,1410,20006,00.html Bjarne \v/