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Why not call it by its name

TStrings is one of the most useful and flexible non-visual objects in Delphi. To see how flexible it is, all you have to do is take a look at the following code samples demonstrating different ways of saving and retrieving string values from it. Example 1: var sl : TStrings; begin sl := TStringList.Create; // add string values... sl.Add( 'Delphi' ); sl.Add( '2.01' ); // get string value using its index // sl.Strings( 0 ) will return // 'Delphi' MessageDlg( sl.Strings[ 0 ], mtInformation, [mbOk], 0 ); sl.Free; end; Example 2: var sl : TStrings; begin sl := TStringList.Create; // set string values... sl.Values[ 'Program' ] := 'Delphi'; sl.Values[ 'Version' ] := '2.01'; // get string values... // sl.Values[ 'Program' ] will return // 'Delphi' MessageDlg( sl.Values[ 'Program' ], mtInformation, [mbOk], 0 ); sl.Free; end; Example 3: var sl : TStrings; begin sl := TStringList.Create; // set string values... sl.Add( 'Program=Delphi' ); sl.Add( 'Version=2.01' ); // get string values... // sl.Values[ 'Program' ] will return // 'Delphi' MessageDlg( sl.Values[ 'Program' ], mtInformation, [mbOk], 0 ); sl.Free; end;