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When was that file last accessed

Here's an example of how to write a function that'll return a file's last access time (not to be confused with the last modified time). function GetFileLastAccessTime( sFileName : string ) : TDateTime; var ffd : TWin32FindData; dft : DWord; lft : TFileTime; h : THandle; begin // // get file information h := Windows.FindFirstFile( PChar(sFileName), ffd); if(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE <> h)then begin // // we're looking for just one file, // so close our "find" Windows.FindClose( h ); // // convert the FILETIME to // local FILETIME FileTimeToLocalFileTime( ffd.ftLastAccessTime, lft ); // // convert FILETIME to // DOS time FileTimeToDosDateTime(lft, LongRec(dft).Hi, LongRec(dft).Lo); // // finally, convert DOS time to // TDateTime for use in Delphi's // native date/time functions Result := FileDateToDateTime(dft); end; end; "GetFileLastAccessTime()" will simply return the file's last access time as a Delphi's TDateTime type which you can convert to a string by using the "DateTimeToStr()" function.