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Waiting and contact pop3 Server after 2 min

Title: waiting and contact pop3 Server after 2 min Question: I wrote an application that connects to a pop3 Server and checks if there are new email and if they are the application sends an sms to my mobil phone. Can someone tell me how to make my application wait 2 min after checking again. so i can work with my computer during my application is running. Answer: can someone please help can i run my application in the background? or run it as a windows service? this is my email procedure: procedure Temail_form.getEmail; var text :Tmailmessage; lines,anzEmail,anzahl,i :integer; zeile,emailTxt,smsTxt,errorMsg :string; SoapClient :OleVariant; reg :boolean; begin smsTxt:=''; errorMsg:=' Das ist eine Evaluation Version.'+#13+'Es sind nicht mehr als 3 Emails zulssig !!'; pop3konto.Host:=edServer.Text; pop3konto.UserID:=edUser.Text; pop3konto.Password:=edPasswort.Text; try pop3konto.Connect; except ShowMessage('Knnte keine Verbindung zum Server aufbauen'); end; anzahl:=pop3konto.MailCount; if anzahl 0 then for i:=1 to anzahl do if pop3konto.UniqueID(i)=readreg('\software\Microsoft\ApplicationKey\Key'+inttostr(i),pop3konto.UniqueID(i)) then begin pop3konto.GetMailMessage(anzEmail); text:=pop3konto.MailMessage; lines:=text.Body.Count; emailTxt:=text.From; for lines:=3 to lines do begin zeile:=text.Body[lines-3]; zeile:=AnsiReplacetext(zeile,'=DF','ss'); zeile:=AnsiReplacetext(zeile,'=FC','ue'); zeile:=AnsiReplacetext(zeile,'=20',','); zeile:=AnsiReplacetext(zeile,'=F6','oe'); emailTxt:=emailTxt+zeile+' '; end; . . .