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> How do I find the volume name of a certain drive? Use the GetVolumeInformation function. It returns the volume name along with other information. See the note in MSDN about using SetErrorMode if you're trying to find information about removable media such as floppies and CDs and want to avoid displaying an error message to the use if there is no disk in the drive. This is how I would try using it (untested): function GetVolumeName(const Volume: string): string; // in: String specifying root directory of a disk, with a trailing // backslash // out: Volume name of the disk in question, or empty string on error var VolName: PAnsiChar; SN, CompLen, Flags: DWord; begin Result := ''; GetMem(VolName, 256); try if GetVolumeInformation(PAnsiChar(Volume), VolName, 256, @SN, @CompLen, @Flags, nil, 0) then Result := VolName; finally FreeMem(VolName); end; end;