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Valid disk in drive a

This function returns whether a drive's state = whether it contains no disk an unformatted disk an empty disk a disk with files type TDriveState = (DSNODISK, DSUNFORMATTEDDISK, DSEMPTYDISK, DSDISK_WITHFILES); function DriveState (driveletter: Char) : TDriveState; var mask: String[6]; sRec: TSearchRec; oldMode: Cardinal; retcode: Integer; begin oldMode: = SetErrorMode(SEM_FAILCRITICALERRORS); mask:= '?:\*.*'; mask[1] := driveletter; {$I-} retcode := FindFirst (mask, faAnyfile, SRec); FindClose(SRec); {$I+} case retcode of 0: Result := DSDISK_WITHFILES; { at least one file was found } -18: Result := DSEMPTYDISK; { no files, but disk is ok } -21, -3: Result := DSNODISK; { DOS ERRORNOTREADY in WinNT, ERRORPATH_NOTFOUND in 3.1 } else Result := DSUNFORMATTEDDISK; { unformatted disk in drive } end; SetErrorMode(oldMode); end; { DriveState }