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Using the multi select option of a dbgrid

{* This example iterates through the selected rows of the grid and displays the second field of the dataset. The Method DisableControls is used so that the DBGrid will not update when the dataset is changed. The last position of the dataset is saved as a TBookmark. The IndexOf method is called to check whether or not the bookmark is still existent. The decision of using the IndexOf method rather than the Refresh method should be determined by the specific application. *} procedure TForm1.SelectClick(Sender: TObject); var x: word; TempBookmark: TBookMark; begin DBGrid1.Datasource.Dataset.DisableControls; with DBgrid1.SelectedRows do if Count 0 then begin TempBookmark:= DBGrid1.Datasource.Dataset.GetBookmark; for x:= 0 to Count - 1 do begin if IndexOf(Items[x]) -1 then begin DBGrid1.Datasource.Dataset.Bookmark:= Items[x]; showmessage(DBGrid1.Datasource.Dataset.Fields[1].AsString); end; end; end; DBGrid1.Datasource.Dataset.GotoBookmark(TempBookmark); DBGrid1.Datasource.Dataset.FreeBookmark(TempBookmark); DBGrid1.Datasource.Dataset.EnableControls; end;